I wrote this a while ago as a glossary for all the terms in 40k that might sound confusing for new players and didn’t really have a place to put all of this until now. If you’ve ever heard something like Bracketing, Feel No Pain, MEQ or other shorthands when it comes to 40k and…
Tag: 40K
Will Tau Continue Their Scorched Earth Policy? | Thursday Show
This week we head to Hot Arizona for the Scorched Earth Open, and it doesn’t get any less sunny with the Western Australian Ironman and the Scotts are here in force at the Scottish Takeover!’
40K and the future of Media | Signals from the Frontline
Kicker and Seth talk with Steve Joll to talk about the evolution of media in 40k and where he thinks things will go from here!
All The JANK That Harlequins Can Do
Alright, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty of what jankness the new Harlequins can pull off. They’ve been known to be the faction that just breaks the rules and this codex helps them become more of a nuisance, so let’s see exactly what the army can pull off.
Are The NEW Harlequins the BEST Army In The Game? | Chapter Tactics
We go over the Harlequins portion of the codex and break down why they’re so strong.
40k Simulation Center – Not the Ork Grots, the Drukhari Grots
Today I want to talk about Grots! No, no, not the green ones, but rather the evil pointy eared variety: Grotesques! Guest Writer: Dan Meyer While playing test games is the best way to understand your options, it’s hard to get in enough games to understand all the variables at play and arrive at a…
Man oh man, with the new Aeldari Codex out in the wild the Harlequins got an update and we’ll be looking over what the army does now, how they play and what the new books means for everyone’s favorite jank jesters.
Harlequin History with a Literal Clown | Grim After Dark
Back with a bang, the Best In Tabletop* Networks Taylor Pearson joins us to share his love of Harlequins, the lore lowdown on the players and the troupes and what draws him back to being a literal clown player
Saddle Up for the Lone Star Open 2022!
The Lone Star Open is tabletop wargaming at its finest! Come battle it out with the best of the best and see if you are worth your salt!
Tyranids Codex Announced AND Get A Combat Patrol Box
The bugs who want to give hugs and eat to their hearts content are finally coming out with a 9th edition book along with a new Combat Patrol box that’s sure to shake up the competition.