Reecius from Frontline Gaming here to throw some fuel on the fire of last week’s BoLS article!
Tag: 40K
NSFW!! Necrons vs. Space Wolves 2,000pts
NSFW!!! Warning, if you don’t like videos with grown men acting immaturely, cursing, talking trash about each other, 40K, Necrons, Matt Ward, Leprechauns, Koni and Barf, DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO!! hahaha, you have been warned! Oh yeah, and this is a really good example of why the Air Force armies will be king until…
New Releases: Scibor Ogre War Rhino Rider and Kromlech
Check out these cool new alternative miniatures!
40K: Double FOC
Hello everyone !! Black Blow Fly here again to discuss the new double FOC (Force Organization Chart) that has been introduced in 40k6.
Guest Editorial by Edwin
Thinking time Greetings everyone. It has been a while and I have gotten a few games of sixth edition in under my belt. There are a few things I really want to talk about.
Alternative Models: 40K Turrets and Sundry Goodies
Check out this manufacturer: Forge Planet! They have some awesome stuff, and it looks very high quality.
Signals from the Frontline: GW Release Rumors, Tournament Discussion
Signals from the Frontline: GW Release Rumors, Tournament Discussion Press play to listen to the podcast.
40K Golden Throne Tournament Report: Sons of AnOrky
So, I haven’t done one of these in a while. An old school, written tournament report!
Hobby: WIPs and completed Projects
Check out these cool projects we’re currently working on or have finished!
40K Tournament: Golden Throne GT Results
Heores on Paper have posted the results!