Grant gets back from boot camp and thinks he can call out Frankie in this 1750pt BAO Practice game! Who will win: Seercouncil Eldar or the infamous Harliestar?
Tag: 40K
Dark Eldar at 1750pts
Here’s a list I have been toying with that I thought would be good for some conversation.
40K Video Bat Rep: Jy2’s Chaos vs. Capt’n Dees’ Biker Marines 1750 BAO Practice Game
In this game Jy2 busts out his Typhus led Chaos against Capt’n Dees’ mean green Biker Marines!
New Draigo Video, this time more Cow Bell! NSFW!!
If you all reading this have hung out at Frontline for any period of time, you know how much we love these Flashgitzanimation videos, and they’ve got a new one with Draigo and a very special surprise guest! Just be warned, these videos feature extremely immature humor, foul language, sexual and drug based jokes….pretty much as offensive…
In the Christmas Spirit, a Request to All!
Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming with my weekly 40K diatribe!
Guest Battle Report: Khorne vs. Slaanesh and Tzeentch
My friend Brian and I had been planning a one day campaign for a couple of months and played this past weekend. I finally had the time to write the batrep for the first game. You can find the rules for the mission here: Battle in the Eye of Terror Mission 1 Primary Objective –…
Dark Angels New Unit Descriptions!
These come via Lars Emil from over at Faeit212, thanks for the info, guys! So it appears the new White Dwarf is out in Denmark, which is where all this new info has come from. Cool!
Guest Editorial by Edwin: The Handicap
Now that’s a handicap I want to talk about something that personally affects me as a gamer. It is a concept that I have taken to heart in many games I have played over my lifetime as a gamer. It makes everything more fun. This simple concept is why I , even after all the…
New Dark Angels Models Spotted!
This comes to us via Pretre over at Ordo Fanaticus! I love them! Except the unbelievably stupid look Land Speeder Vengeance with what appears to be a Twin Linked statue on the back?!
Tyranid HQ Choices for a Tournament List
Hey everyone, this week let’s take a look at my current favorite army to play, Nids, and the HQ choices in the context of the current meta.