A guest editorial on Nids by Cameron.
Tag: 40K
Guest Editorial by Edwin: First Outing with Sisters!
Sisters of Battle in all their glory Guest editorial by Edwin.
40K Singles Army Representation at the BAO
Check out the numbers! Chaos was out in force, followed by IG.
Guest Editorial by Raw Dogger: No DIY? No, STFU! Or, why you should create your own Space Marine Chapter.
Guest editorial by Raw Dogger: Readers Beware!
BAO 2013 40K Championships Finals
Alan Bajramovic and Lyzz Foster in the finals of the BAO 2013. Lyzz and her Daemons (5th ed book) vs. Alan’s Imperial Guard and Space Wolves. 1750pts, for all the marbles, both players undefeated!
Feast your Eyes Upon…The Belt of Russ!!
Just had to share this pic! We finished the Belt of Russ last night, and it is AWESOME! Better pics to come, but this appeals to the little Hulkamaniac in me! The 40K Champion gets to have his name added to the Belt of Russ for future generations to venerate. A huge thanks to Ronnie…
An Introduction and Words on Winning with Tyranids Part 1
Howdy Faeit212 readers! My name is Reece, or Reecius as I go by on the interwebs here to introduce myself and to talk competitive bugs.
Blunt Force vs. Finesse Lists
Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk shop on a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately.
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors, Tactics, Pre-Release Special
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors, Tactics, Pre-Release Special. Press play to listen to the podcast.
25% off GW 40K and Fantasy Pre-Order Special!
Hey everyone, it’s that time again! At Frontline Gaming we offer 25% off pre-order specials for new product releases. We have a big one this week which GW has released a video of, here: http://youtu.be/mUNcqK2617A