Well, we’ve put another great event on the books this year. While everyone else talks about the lists and tactics that took that big dogs to the top of the heap, I’d like to talk about WHY going to these events is so much fun.
Tag: 40K
Awesome Video of the the G3SC Event!
These guys put on amazing 40K events!
Some Pics from Adepticon!
I took them with my cell phone, so they aren’t anything super special, but they should give you an idea of what was going on!
Signals From the Frontline: We Discuss GW Releases, Adepticon 2013, Along With Some Games We Tried Out.
We Discuss GW Releases, Adepticon 2013, Along With Some Games We Tried Out.
Feast of Blades Northern California Qualifiers
If you are in the Northern California region, mark your calendars for the Feast of Blades qualifiers, detailed below.
Guest Video Bat Rep from Sinister Wargaming
Hot Chaos on Chaos action!
Video Bat Rep: Tzeentch Daemon Double Header vs. Tau and vs. Space Wolves
In this double header, Jys busts out his Tzeentch Daemons against Capt’n Dees’ new Tau and Frankie’s Thunder Dome Space Wolves!
Adepticon Terrain Placement Video
Check it out and be prepared!
Daemons: Prepare Thy Backside for Reaming!
So it seems like Daemons are just as insanely powerful as last edition…it’s just different units this time around.
A Public Service Announcement from your Friendly Neighborhood Power Gamer!-With Updates
Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuuuumble!