Hello, fellow Earth creatures. Kevin from the Daemon Blog here to editorialize at you.
Tag: 40K
Loopy’s Back! Guest Editorial on D Weapons in 40k
Loopy returns with a follow up article on D Weapons. Check out his blog, WAAGH!! Drillteef for more of his content!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep Tyranids vs Taudar
Hundred dolla challenge match!! JY2 calls Reecius out for the $100 dollar prize, his Nids vs. Reecius’ Taudar. Can he do it? As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!
Guest Editorial by Loopy on Stronghold Assault
Loopy brings us his experience and opinions on Void Shields in competitive play. Check out his blog, WAAGH DrillTeef for more of his work!
Wahammer 40K Video Bat Rep Tyranids vs Grey Knights
Raw Dogger calls out the Nids! Grey Knights vs. Tyranids in a 1750pts BAO format battle report! We keep polishing this Nid turd, hoping to turn it into gold! Are we fools or can it be done? As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more videos and articles!
Tyranids in 6th Ed: Or, How to Polish a Turd
Yeah, I said it.
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep Iron Hands vs Tyranids
It’s a birthday bat rep! Chris calls Reecius’ Nids out with his Iron Hands for his Birthday Battle and Reecius is happy to oblige. -EDIT: Shrouded is conferred onto the entire brood if a single model in it has it, nice! Thanks to Klaus Bak for pointing that out. Oh, and I cheated on Zoeys…
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Jokes!
Show Notes Date News Big Shout out to Scott over at Fan Boy Forge! He’s hooking us up with some awesome terrain accessories to spice up the buildings we have to make your gaming more exciting for the LVO! Very cool new Wall Sections coming to us from Mechanical Warhorse! These look like awesome,…
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep Tyranids vs Orks
InControl answers the challenge and calls Reecius out! Nids on Orks, can the new Nids beat the commonly regarded weakest army in 6th ed 40K? As always check out the Tactics Corner for more videos!
Prove Me Wrong on Nids!
A few folks out there think Nids are actually quite good…I do not see it. But, I want to be wrong, so put your money where your mouth is and answer the challenge!