Hello everyone Frankie here to talk a little bit about the new Dark Eldar codex. I’ve been hearing a lot of negative things about Dark Eldar and for some reason a lot of people think they got nerfed? Anyway, let’s dive in. As always, check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews!
Tag: 40K
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #266 Orks vs Necrons
Raw Dogger busts out a Necron commission we recently completed in a video bat rep against Reecius’ Zhardsnark led Sons of AnOrky Ork list! 1,850pts.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 12-6-14 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Pre-Order Special is a GO!
You know it, you love it, the Frontline Gaming Pre-Order Special is a go!
Do you like using Lords of War in 40K?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to discuss Lords of War in “normal” games of 40K.
Is the Knight Acheron the King?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk Knights. As always, check the Tactics Corner for more great tactics articles.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 12-01-14 Intro Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! Join our Forums, too! If you would like to be a guest on the show, email Reece at Contact@FrontlineGaming.org We sell tabletop games and supplies at 20% off! Hit us up for your next gaming order at Orders@FrontlineGaming.org or visit our webstore at FrontlineGaming.org….
Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa’ Biker Army
After having tried Zhadsnark out, I can say he is fantastic and this has lead me to a few more ideas on how to implement him in games. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great tactics articles!
We have a F.A.T. Mat Contest Winner!
The F.A.T. Mat contest was a big hit, and we now have a winner!
Forge World to the Rescue, yet Again: Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa’
So, once again, Forgeworld gives us a unit that helps to fill a big gap in a list. Meet Zhadsnark, Da Rippa. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles!