This past weekend, I made the trek to head out to Austin, Texas for Wargames Con. I had to part with some high value Walking Dead comics to pay for the flight over there, but was glad to make it to the land of BOLS to try my hand at another major GT. Coming into…
Tag: 40K
Warhammer 40K Full Length Video Bat Rep #16: Eldar vs Howling Gryphons
This is the first appearance of the new Eldar. Lets see what this codex has to offer Vs. the number one ITC player. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40k and General Gaming, News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes Date 6-26-2015
Thursday Night Fight! Live, at 7:00pm PST, War Convocation vs. Necrons!
We’ve got a real hum-dinger, tonight! Frankie will be piloting the dreaded War Convocation against Reecius’ Scarab Farm Necrons! Who will prevail? The living cyborgs or the metallic undead?! Watch live, tonight at 7:00pm PST on our Twitch channel, here!
Skyhammer and the Pay to Play 40k Era
Hello all! Rawdogger here to talk about Games Workshop’s latest marketing strategy, the Skyhammer Annihilation Force, and why it’s a really bad thing for the hobby. For those of you who are wondering what the Skyhammer Annihilation Force is I would first question why you are reading this blog to begin with, but then would…
40KBrawl! is Back! Admech War Congregation/ BA VS New Space Marines/ Skyhammer Formation Batrep
Howdo Frontline gamers! Check out the Tactics Corner for more video bat reps!
Wargames Con 2015
Ever wonder what it’s like to go to a GT, or just want to see images form Wargames Con? You can do so, here! Walk around with FNP Wargamers and check out Wargame Con 2015 in Austin, TX! See the winners and see the armies!
Tuesday Night Fight! Astra Militarum vs. Skyhammer Annihilation Space Marines 7:00pm PST, Tonight!
We’ve got an exciting game for everyone, tonight! Pablo is busting out his Skyhammer Annihilation Formation Space Marines vs. Reecius’ Astra Militarum army. How will the good old Guard fare against the armored might of the Space marines? Watch the game LIVE on our Twitch Channel, here!
Signals form the Frontline: Warhammer 40k and General Gaming, News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 6-19-15
Wargames Con Day 3 Update 40k Championships: Finalists!
Wargames Con is in the home stretch, and we’ve got some great players battling it out for the top spots!