It’s the Battle for Macragge! Tyranids vs an Ultra Marines battle company! Who will prevail? Join us on Twitch for all the fun, 7:00pm PST.
Tag: 40K
Death Company and Me – A Psychopath Like No Other
Hello all! Rawdogger hear to talk about an old school unit that still kicks a lot of ass and takes very few names (because they are too busy kicking asses) the classic Death Company. Now, a lot can be said regarding the overall Blood Angels codex release about a year ago. Some people might say…
Space Wolves Tournament List and Tactics
Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of folks asking about Space Wolves in tournament play 40k, with folks asking if they can still cut it. My answer is an emphatic, yes! Be sure to check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Las Vegas Open 2016 Hotel Booking Information!
Vegas is coming, Vegas is coming! Get pumped everyone, because the LVO 2016 is going to be absolutely amazing, and now we’ve got the rooms available for you to book, just follow this link!
Tuesday Night Fight! Astra Militarum vs. Dark Eldar! 7:00pm PST, Tonight!
We’ve got a great fight planned for you all, tonight! Join us on our Twitch channel at 7:00pm PST for the fun!
Pictures of 40k Championships Award Winners at the BAO 2015!
Big winners, chicken dinners! Here are the top finishers receiving their loot and glory from the BAO 2015!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40k and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy
Show Notes 7-20-15
Chaos Renegades: Heavy Support Analysis
Hey everyone, it’s Adam from! We are most of the way through the Renegade unit analysis, just 2 sections left to go, Heavy Support and Lords of War! In either Renegades army, the most important slot is the Heavy Support. This is where all the punch for the army lives, and there’s a crap ton…
40kBrawl! UKGT Practice Match AdMech War Convocation VS Iron Hands REMATCH
We are just churning out the fights right now and really enjoying our nerd battles. Today Simon ( Je suis!) uses his beardy Ad Mech to take on his brothers (Adams) Iron Manz. We’re rocking the UKGT rules pack so thats 1500pts, unlimited CADS/ detachments and no restrictions on LOW! The only rule is no…
Full Length Battle Report # 21 Tyranids vs Astra Militarium
In this battle report, the brave soldiery of the Imperium stand up to the terrifying, and overpowering might of the Tyranid Swarm. Can they stand stalwart in the face of certain death and consumption? Will the Emperor’s Hammer crush the enemy like the insects they are? Perhaps, perhaps not. Against the Tyranids, there is no…