The 9th ed 40k Space Wolves faction focus via the Warhammer-community page!
Tag: 40K
The Road to Thramas – Part 6: Back on the Road
The Warhammer-community team shows off some awesome looking new 30k vehicles in the Road to Thramas preview!
Chapter Tactics #166: Power Ranking Each Psychic Awakening Book
Today the guys rank each psychic awakening based off of it’s matched play merits and how much each book prepares it’s respective factions for 9th edition.
Faction Focus: Deathwatch
Here’s the 9th ed 40k Deatwatch faction focus article courtesy of the Warhammer-community team!
The Curious Case of T’au Behind Cover
While we’ve yet to see the release of the entirety of the 9th edition rules, we’ve got plenty of resources available to see how the new edition is shaping up. Tabletop Titans have a few excellent battle reports up already, as well as in-depth faction review videos. Tabletop Tactics have a couple of battle reports…
Faction Focus: Adeptus Custodes
The Warhammer-community team brings us the 9th ed 40k Custodes faction focus!
Warhammer 40,000 Preview: Indomitus Face-off!
Take a look at the units stats for the upcoming 9th ed 40k box set, courtesy of the Warhammer-community team!
This Week’s GW Pre-order: General’s Handbook 2020
Grab the new General’s Handbook 2020 and check out the new Blood Bowl releases as well! All of these are available at discounted prices with FREE shipping options in our web-cart.
Warhammer 40,000 Preview: New Models Revealed!
Wow, some of these new models are absolutely amazing! Thanks to the Warhammer-community team for sharing.
GW Grognard: Meet your new LVO Judge
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to once more talk your ear off about the excitement that is the new edition of 40K and the Las Vegas Open!