GSC is in a tough spot right now. While over the last few weeks I’ve written articles talking up some of the pros to playing GSC in 9th Edition the fact is that our poor faction is (statistically) one of the worst in the game right now. I do not say this to discourage anyone…
Tag: 40K
FLG Paint Studio: Canoptek Reanimator
This creepy Necron Canoptek Reanimator was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
New FLG Mat: Locone Peninsula
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat for you: Locone Peninsula, available at a discounted price during the release period!
New Fan Short: The Raptor
This new animated short is really good, give it a watch!
Signals from the Frontline #722: Drukhari Rules Sneak Peak
Reece and Frankie chat about the last week in the Warhammer hobby including the upcoming AoS releases this weekend and a Drukhari sneak peak!
Chapter Tactics #193: How We Can Change the ITC for the 40k New Season
Today the guys get the head honcho of the ITC on to talk about potential new changes to the format.
New Drukhari Rules, Heyohhh!
GW is showing off more and more Drukhari rules ad they’re looking quite improved! What do you think?
How to Fix Saviour Protocols
The Saviour Protocols rule has long been a key element of competitive T’au builds. Indeed, it’s probably fair to say that SP was the key element of competitive T’au builds. Without this rule, the strong T’au lists that we saw throughout 8th edition simply would not function.
FLG Paint Studio: Angry Marines Commission
It’s always a blast to paint up some Angry Marines!
GW updates the Munitorum Field Manual points and some unit options. Check it out!