The mighty T’au Riptide, painted in a striking color scheme with magnetized weapon options by the FLG Paint Studio!
Tag: 40K
GW Grognard: I’ll do anything for 40K, but I won’t do that
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about the things that I want to talk about, which happens to be 40K.
AOWdu 30.1 Dark Angels Codex Review P2
Listen to the cast for a dive into the Dark Angels 9th ed 40k codex!
FLG Paint Studio: Death Guard Army
This fantastic Death Guard army was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
FLG Paint Studio: Tzaangors
These Tzaangors were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Picking That 1st (or next) Army
As I have been lucky enough to write some of these articles revolving around the Genestealer Cults army some of my 40k teammates and friends have questioned me on my choice to “keep hitting my head against the wall” by playing GSC in the few games I have been able to get in during the…
FLG Paint Studio: Tzaangor
These awesome Tzaangor were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Signals from the Frontline #724: Kill Team Pariah Nexus on the Way
Reece and Frankie cover the last week in Warhammer.
FLG Paint Studio: Zoenthropes & Venomthropes
These awesome Tyranid bugs were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Chapter Tactics #195: “F” is for Frolicking Fun at 40k Tournaments
Today Peteypab and Val bring on Jon and Danny from the Mob Rules podcast to talk about how to get the most fun out of 40k tournaments. They also reminisce about the good old days of organized 40k.