Check out some of the new rules for Be’Lakor in 40k!
Tag: 40K
FLG Paint Studio: Blood Angels Part 1
These lovely Blood Angels were painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Admech (JonP) vs. Tyranids (Matt) 2,000 pts. | IN THE TRENCHES Battle Report Warhammer 9th Edition
The DiceCheck crew brings us another great 9th ed 40k video bat rep!
Duncan Rhodes, Legendary Painter | 40K Game Changers
Duncan Rhodes was the face of Games Workshop’s painting studio for years. When he announced he was leaving to do his own thing the 40k world lost it’s collective mind!
FLG Paint Studio: AdMech Part 2
Take a look at these beautiful Adeptus Mechanicus flyers, painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Meet the Wurrboyz!
These new Ork Pyskers are looking pretty fantastic!
FLG Paint Studio: AdMech Part 1
These Adeptus Mechanicus were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
GW Grognard: Tips for your League
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to help you have a better 40K experience (only if you listen to me though).
There’s No Z in Boise | The Thursday Show
We return for the third Thursday in a row to shed some light on the grimdarkness of the near weekend.
Warhammer Plus or Minus? | Signals from the Frontline
The Signalians return with more community news: Kicker breaks some hot goss about the rules cutoff date for FLG events, Shelby leads a conversation around the recently announced Warhammer+ and Seth gets to know the Swedish meta.