These incredible Thousand Sons were painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Tag: 40K
New 40k, AoS & Necromunda Models Previewed!
These look fantastic! What do you think?
GW Grognard: Pants on Fire
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to let you get the lowdown on some of the magic that is 40K.
FLG Paint Studio: C’Tan Void Dragon
This splendid Void Dragon was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Gibraltar Jabronies | The Thursday Show
Allan’s still not yet a dad and so he’s coming back out for another thirst quenching thirsty Thursday.
New 40k FAQs!
GW released some new FAQs today, check them out and let us know what you think!
Will You Snagga Beast Snaggas Box? | Signals from the Frontline
This week on Signals – Kicker takes FLG to the summit of mat design, Shelby leads a discussion on the wisdom of packaging a codex in a limited release box and Seth continues doing his Stats Centre impersonation… apparently Admech are good?
Forge World’s Identity Crisis
One of the interesting things about being in the 40K world for many years is that you get to see how companies evolve over time. You can witness the professionalization of Games Workshop and the ways they have sought to interact (if at all) with their customers. In my opinion one of the more interesting…
FLG Paint Studio: Drahzar
This Drukhari Drahzar was painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
How to Deal with Admech | Chapter Tactics
The guest got lost in the warp this week so they’re on their own spitballing potential ways to deal with the gnarly rise of Admech. I’m sure it’ll be fine, right?