Hey everyone, Reecius here with a poll for Las Vegas Team Tournament attendees and a discussion about the recent debates in format.
Tag: 40K
US Open Orlando Not Winner: Tim Pinney! | Grim After Dark
Fresh off his adventures to the majestic kingdom of Orlando Florida and the Warhammer Open, Tim Pinney joins the show to talk about his experience at the event, the first “official” 40k terrain layouts and about the thirty seven podcasts he’s involved with.
Point-Counterpoint: The Death Korps of Krieg should be GW’s featured regiment
Hello All, With the arrival of the new Death Korps of Krieg models showing up it brings up the question: should Games Workshop feature the Death Korps of Krieg as the de-facto regiment going forward? For many years the Cadians have served in this role but with the untimely demise of Cadia and the age…
FLG Paint Studio: Talons of the Emperor
These Sisters of Silence and Adeptus Custodes were painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Words of Creation – The Chief Librarian
Welcome to another episode of The Chief Librarian! This is a lore and narrative gaming-focused podcast around miniature gaming, painting, reading, and all the fun things a hobby should be.
Mislabeled Thursday Show | The Thursday Show
Just another Competitive 40K weekend preview from your favorite talking heads!
FLG Mat Flash Sale: Mars
Jump in to the FLG web-cart and grab a Mars FLG Mat at a sweet discount!
Optimize Mustache Placement 2021 | Signals from the Frontline
The gang talks about the upcoming week of 40k news and reviews.
The Necronic 2021 | Grim After Dark
Marshall Peterson, THIRD place finisher of the Lone Star Open wakes up from his milleni-week long slumber, shambles out from his tomb and tells us how to get it on with Da Crons.
FLG Paint Studio: Adeptus Custodes Dreadnoughts
These mighty war machines of the Adeptus Custodes were painted by the FLG Pain Studio.