The Tactics Corner is an informational resource of useful tactics articles for your favorite units for 8th edition 40k! We’re adding articles frequently, so come back and check on this page periodically. Also, if you’d like to contribute tactics articles, contact Reecius at:

General Tactics
Adeptus Custodes
- Reviews:
- HQ
- Elites
- Troops
Adeptus Mechanicus
- Reviews
- Tactics:
Adeptus Ministorum / Sisters of Battle
Astra Militarum
- Reviews:
- Codex & Supplements
- Brandon Grant on the Greater Good and Astra Militarum
- Astra Militarum Post Chapter Approved 2019
- Astra Militarum Post Chapter Approved 2018
- Astra Militarum Codex Review Part 1 of 2: Stratagems, Special Rules and Relics
- Astra Militarum Codex Review Part 2 of 2: Unit Overviews
- Faction Focus: Astra Militarum
- Tactics
- Astra Militarum Infantry Tactics
- Regiment Tactics
- Armageddon Steel Legions List and Tactics
- Cadian Shock Troopers List and Tactics
- Catachan Jungle Fighters List and Tactics
- London GT 5-0 Astra Militarum List and Tactics
- Mordian Iron Guard List and Tactics
- Tallarn Desert Raiders Tank Commander Tactics
- Tallarn Desert Raiders List and Tactics
- Valhallan Ice Warriors List and Tactics
- Vostroyan First Born List and Tactics
- Codex & Supplements
Blood Angels
- Codex Articles
- Reviews
- Tactics
- Index Articles
Chaos Daemons
- Reviews
Chaos Space Marines
- Reviews:
- Chaos Space Marines Post Chapter Approved 2018
- Chaos Space Marines Codex Overview
- Chaos Space Marines Legion Traits, and Special Rules
- Psychic Awakening: Faith and Fury: World Eaters Review Part 1
- Psychic Awakening: Faith and Fury: World Eaters Review Part 2
- Psychic Awakening: Faith and Fury: World Eaters Review Part 3
- Legion Reviews:
- Unit Reviews:
- HQ
- Troops
- Elites
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Tactics:
Craftworld Eldar
- Reviews:
- Codex Craftworlds Review Part 1 of 3
- Codex Craftworlds Review Part 2 of 3
- Codex Craftworlds Review Part 3 of 3
- Codex Craftworlds Special Rules Review
- Psychic Awakening: Blood of the Phoenix Review 1
- Psychic Awakening: Blood of the Phoenix Review 2
- HQs
- Asurmen
- Autarch
- Autarch with Swooping Hawk Wings
- Autarch Skyrunner
- Avatar of Khaine
- Baharroth
- Eldrad Ulthran
- Farseers (Foot and Skyrunner)
- Fuegan
- Illic Nightspear
- Irillyth
- Jain Zar
- Karandras
- Maugan Ra
- Prince Yriel
- Spiritseer
- Warlock and Warlock Skyrunner
- Warlock Conclave and Warlock Skyrunner Conclave
- Wraithseer
- Troops
- Elites
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Dedicated Transports
- Flyers
- Lords of War
- HQs
- Tactics
Dark Angels
- Reviews:
- Faction Focus: Dark Angels
- Psychic Awakening Review: Dark Angels
- Codex Dark Angels Part 1 of 2
- Codex Dark Angels Part 2 of 2
- HQ
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Flyers
- Reviews:
- HQ:
- Troops:
- Fast Attack
- Flyers
- Index Review:
Death Guard
- Reviews:
- Death Guard Psychic Awakening Review
- Death Guard Codex Review
- HQs
- Troops
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Tactics:
Drukhari (Dark Eldar)
- Reviews:
- Codex Reviews
- Blood of the Phoenix Drukhari Obsessions Review
- Drukhari Codex Review: Overview and Special Rules
- Drukhari Codex Video Review
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 1: Army Special Rules
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 2: Drukhari Stratagems
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 3: Drukhari Artefacts of Cruelty
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 4: Kabal Obsessions, Stratagems, Relics and Warlord Traits
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 5: Wych Cult Obsessions, Stratagems, Relics and Warlord Traits
- Drukhari Codex Review Part 6: Haemonculus Coven Obsessions, Stratagems, Relics and Warlord Traits
- Unit Reviews
- HQs
- Troops
- Elites
- Fast Attack
- Tactics:
- Drukhari Tactics: Archon Tactica
- Drukhari Tactics: A Case for the Kabal of the Flayed Skull Part 1
- Drukhari Tactics: A Case for the Kabal of the Flayed Skull Part 2
- Drukhari Tactics: Kabalite Warriors as Your Army’s Core
- Drukhari Tactics: Which Wych Cult is Right for You? Part 1
- Drukhari Tactics: Wych Cults: Cult of the Red Grief
- Index Reviews:
- Codex Reviews
Genestealer Cults
- Reviews:
- Genestealer Cult Creeds Review Part 1 of 2
- Genestealer Cult Creeds Review Part 2 of 2
- Genestealer Cults Relics
- Genestealer Cults Stratagems
- Genestealer Cults Warlord Traits & Broodmind Discipline
- HQs
- Elites
- Troops
- Heavy Support
- Detachments
Grey Knights
- Reviews:
- HQs
- Troops
- Codex Reviews:
- Codex Tactics:
- Reviews:
- Index Tactics:
Imperial Knights
- Reviews:
- Unit Reviews:
the Inquisition
- Unit Reviews:
Militarum Tempestus
- Tactics:
- Reviews:
- Tactics:
Officio Assassinorum
- Reviews:
- Assassin Tactics
Renegade Knights
- Reviews:
- Unit Reviews
- Index Review
Space Marines
- Reviews:
- Unit Reviews:
- HQ
- Elites
- Aggressors
- Apothecary
- Centurion Assault Squads
- Company Ancient
- Chapter Champion
- Sternguard Veterans
- Terminator Squads (Tactical, Assault, Cataphractii and Tartaros)
- Vanguard Veterans
- Troops
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Flyers
- Transports
- Tactics
- Ravenguard: Going Second (2019 Codex)
- Codex Space Marines Overview (2017 Codex)
- Space Marines Relics (2017 Codex)
- Using Space Marines Stratagems (2017 Codex)
- 5 Tips for Winning with Space Marines (2017 Codex)
- Devastator Centurion Tactics (2017 Codex)
- Powering up Your Power Armor
- Salamanders Tactics and List Ideas (2017 Codex)
- The Primaris Marine Project (2017 Codex)
- White Scars Tactics and List Ideas (2017 Codex)
- Articles
Space Wolves
- Reviews
- Tactics:
- Reviews:
- iNcontroL’s T’au Codex Video Review
- HQs
- Troops
- Elites
- Fast Attack
- Heavy Support
- Transports
- Flyers
- Lords of War
- Fortifications
- iNcontroL’s T’au Codex Video Review
- Index Reviews:
Thousand Sons
- Reviews:
- Reviews:
- Codex Review:
- Blood of Baal Review 1: Tyranids Hive Fleet Adaptations
- Blood of Baal Review 2: Tyranids Adaptive Physiologies
- Blood of Baal Review 3: Tyranids Psychic Powers
- Blood of Baal Review 4: Tyranids Stratagems
- Blood of Baal Review 5: Tyranid List Ideas
- Tyranids Post Chapter Approved 2019
- Tyranids Post Chapter Approved 2018
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 1: Stratagems, Special Rules, and Hive Fleet Traits.
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 2: HQs
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 3: Troops
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 4: Elites
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 5: Fast Attack
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 6: Heavy Support
- Tyranid Codex Review Part 7: Dedicated Transports, Flyers and Fortifications
- Codex Unit Reviews:
- HQ
- Troops
- Elites
- Haruspex
- Hive Guard
- Lictors
- Maleceptor
- Pyrovores
- Tyrant Guard
- iNcontroL’s Review: Venomthropes
- Venomthropes
- Zoanthropes
- Fast Attack
- Heavy
- Transports
- Flyers
- Lords of War
- Fortifications
- Tactics
- Index Review:
- Codex Review:
- Tactics
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