Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to once again entertain you with my wit and wisdom about the wonderful world of 40K.
Podcast: Art of War Down Under: Blood Angels Codex Review
The AoW down under gang interview Paul Murphy in a deep dive on the Blood Angels Codex Supplement!
Nerdery: Awesome Feudal Japan Marvel Mash-ups!
These pieces are just awesome! Can you name them all?
Preview: Gaze into the Future with the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh
The Warhammer-community team us a reveal from the upcoming Warcry release for Hdeonites of Slaanesh!
News: Death Guard Delayed
But hey we do get to see Mortarion’s dataslate so that’s a little something, right? Mortarion’s Rules
Space Marine Review: Relics
It is hard to imagine a time when most armies did not have relics, so integral have they become to army compositions. In 8th edition, a lack of strong Relics could often times force armies into mono builds or curtail their competitiveness altogether. At the start of 8th, Marines had this problem. NuMarines, at the…
Blood Angels vs Adepta Sororitas – Codex Debut – 2000pt Warhammer 40k battle report
The Tabletop Titans crew brings us another awesome 9th ed 40k video bat rep!
Signals from the Frontline #713: The State of the 2021 Las Vegas Open, BA Breakdown, and More!
Join Frankie and Reece for a discussion about the new Blood Angels Codex Supplement and Warhammer community news!
Who Is Your Character?
Characters often grow and change over the course of a campaign, gaining new abilities and class features as well as learning something from their adventures and bettering themselves as a person. So what is it that defines them as a person?
Completed Commission: Necrons
The FLG Paint Studio painted these lovely Necrons for a client recently.