Win a copy of Judgment FREE! Our friends at Creature Caster are launching their own game and you have a chance to win one!
Nerdery: Primaris Lieutenant the Movie
Lol, a little slow on the draw on this one but this is genuinely funny!
FLG Paint Studio: Morathi
This awesome Morathi was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
This Week in the ITC: Returns!
Hello, competitive Warhammer fans! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to revive my weekly article about the comings and goings of the ITC!
40k Stoat Center: What’s in a Name?
This article is satire – please do not make any major decisions based on this article’s conclusions Greetings fellow Warhammer 40k players! Here at 40k Stoat Center we realize that all the good statistical variables are currently being analyzed by groups with much cooler names then us. Short of a radical redistribution of databases, we…
Do the Biker Gangs of the GSC Have a Place in the 41st Millennium?
As a (self proclaimed) competitive 40k player one skill that I always need to keep fresh is the ability to open a codex and find the data sheets inside that provide instant value when added to an army list. This can be in the form of an aggressively pointed unit, a unit in the codex…
FLG Paint Studio: Plagueburst Crawler
This awesome Plagurburst Crawler was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
The Backbone of Drukhari: Strats, and Relics
Continuing on with our review of the new Codex: Drukhari, we are going to be looking at Stratagems and Relics this time. The Strats are quite good, none seem broken, but all add a lot of flavor and tools to the army. The Relics…. well, they are not Bad per se, but the authors may…
Signals from the Frontline #729: Atlantic City Open Registration is LIVE!
Join Reece for a chat about the ACO 2021 and what went on in the last week in the Warhammer hobby.
9E Tau Codex Review, HQs: Darkstrider
Today we look at one of the unique HQ choices from the codex, Darkstrider. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.