Sorry cor the gap in posts, been on the road. Congratz to jy2 for winning with necrons, and to Christian and frankie from team zero comp for making it to the finals. We’ll have some in depth reflection tomorrow on the event, how it changed our perceptions of 6th,, whag it reinforced and what we…
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Birthday to Frankie!
Frankie just hit the ripe old age of 23!
1,000pt 40K Tournament!
Title: 1,000pt 40K Tournament! Location: Frontline Gaming Description: Come and join us for our second 1K tournament! $5 Buy In, all of which goes to prize support. 1,000pts on a 4×4′ table. Short rounds, and double elimination means you can lose a game, and still be in the event, and you get to play almost…
wargamescon day two.
So it’s a wrap! Wargamescon was a blast, and when the dust settled it was Alan with his horse orks taking it all! Well played. Ben mohlie got second with crons. And I believe it was daemons and sisters next, wow! Suck on that, internet! Just goes to show, it’s the player not the list…
wargamescon update!
So, day one’s behind us, and it’s been great so far. Frankie got his butt kicked and made the team look like punks! Just kidding, he did get the beat down but we don’t look like punks! facepuncher and I both made it to the finals. I went 4-0 with footdar but didn’t win crushing…
1,000pt 40K Tournament!
Title: 1,000pt 40K Tournament!Location: Frontline GamingDescription: Come and join us for a 1,000pt 40K tournament! If you have not played in this format before, it is a ton of fun! The games are crazy fast, and it is a totally different experience from what you are used to. Definitely an enjoyable change of pace! And,…
Warmahordes Tournament!
Title: Warmahordes Tournament!Location: Frontline GamingDescription: 15pt Warmahordes tournament Sunday, July 8th. Come on down and join us! -$5 Buy in, all of which goes to prize support -8 Player cap, these sell out so let us know soon if you will be in attendance. -Scenario play -3 rounds -A great way to get into the…
Title: APOCALYPSE!!Location: Frontline GamingDescription: Come and join us for our first, monthly, 40K Apoc game! These are a ton of fun and we run them well. We typically get the games done in 3-4 hours, tops and everyone has a good time. We place limits on normal Apoc in order to keep games moving at…
Warmachine Tournament!
Title: Warmachine Tournament! Location: Frontline Gaming Link out: Click here Description: Come and join us for a Battlegroup/Warpack Warmachine Tournament! We have room for 8 players, so be sure to sign up quickly. Only the first 8 to sign up will be assured a spot. Follow the link to sign up. No paint requirement. Click…
Mass Hysteria Over Impending 6th Ed 40k Grips the Gaming Community
So, it seems like people are really losing their heads over the coming changes. I admit, they sound awful to me too, at this point, but it is too soon to tell. I just think all of this chatter flying around the Web about quiting 40k may be a bit premature, is all. We don’t…