Today in the Eldar review series we look at one of the lesser-known vehicles, the Night Spinner. Viewed as something of an oddity by the 40k community (“Huh? The Fire Prism is a dual kit?”), we’ll look at why that might be and whether or not ‘Spinners should have a place in your army. And…
Category: Uncategorized
Daily Awesome Conversion
This Awesome Mini is from Toughest Girls in the Galaxy, Painted by Christopher Faith, this is an awesome Alternative to the usually male dominated 40k. Either as a Tech priest or a Dominous this is an great model!!
Full Length 40k Battle Report: Big Mek Stompa in the House!
Orks with a Big Mek Stompa vs. Tau! Going to be a slobbernocker! Check the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps.
Daily Awesome Conversion – Loopy’s Juggerboss
Loopy’s progress continues on the DOrks! Today, it’s his counts-as Khorne Daemonkin Chaos Lord on Juggernaut, or Juggerboss!
Anvil of War: Army Building Strategies and Tips
Welcome back to the war room, generals! With the positive feed back from last week, I’m very happy to say that articles will keep coming. Be sure to check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Daily Awesome Conversion
The mighty Eversor Assassin painted by Ben Komets and sculpted by Mati Zander, Won the Silver Demon in Spain in the large scale models.
We’ve Got Toughest Girls in the Galaxy in our Web-Cart!
It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve finally got these ladies in the web-cart!
Frontline Gaming’s Pre-Order Special is a Go!
You know it, you love it, the Frontline Gaming Pre-Order Special is a GO! First of all, check out GW’s site to see what is all included in the new release. This week we have a ton of new releases including the new War Zone Damocles campaign book and the Space Marine Battle Demi-Company.
LVO Exhibitor Profile: Ninja Division
We are happy to announce that Ninja Division will be on the list of exhibitors at the Las Vegas Open 2016. Ninja Division is a new games publisher joining the market place to bring you high quality games and products featuring the work of creative studios Soda Pop Miniatures, Cipher Studios, and other independent designers….
GV Color on Age of Sigmar!
Gamer Gregory V. brings us his perspective on Age of Sigmar! Games Workshop’s (GW), Warhammer Fantasy has always held my attention because the models were just too cool. Wood Elves, Skaven, Lizardmen, Tombkings… the list would pretty much be the whole product line! Yet, time-after-time I would pick up a rule book or watch a game…