Hey guys Cavalier here, commission painter for Frontline Gaming and co-host of Splintermind the Dark Eldar podcast. With the seeming demise of Eldar Corsairs as an army, lets look at some alternative uses for those cool models!
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Flayed Skull Part 2- CP Efficiency and Cross Codex Synergy
Hey guys Cavalier here, commission painter for Frontline Gaming and co-host of Splintermind the Dark Eldar podcast. Continuing to explore why I feel Flayed Skull is equal to or perhaps the best of all the Kabal Obsessions.
A Case for Kabal of the Flayed Skull Pt. 1
As soon as I received my first glimpse of the Drukhari Codex in playtesting, Flayed Skull leaped out at me as a fantastic set of tools with somewhat shocking set of special rules that fuel all the core choices in a Drukhari army. In this article I’m going to detail the many reasons it is…
Autarch Skyrunner- Showcase and Tactica Development
At long last, I finished one of the most iconic Asuryani HQ choices and am deep in development on how I intend to use him. I’ll show you how and why I made the modelling choices I did and how I plan on using him in games.
LVO 2019 Seminars!
This year’s LVO will feature several seminars for our attendees. Check them out if you can! Thursday 7p-8p Games Workshop Seminar Come and take part in the kick off of the Las Vegas Open. Games Workshop will be on hand to talk about all things Warhammer as well as potentially revealing news and previews on…
Post-Chapter Appproved 2018- The Hornet
One of the unholy terror’s of 7th edition has become something of an obscurity in 8th. With points reductions it has become much more interesting, but is it worth it? Lets discuss after the jump. For more great list ideas and tactics, articles, check out the Tactics Corner.
Las Vegas Open 2019 Exhibitor Roundup!
It’s hard to believe that another Las Vegas Open is almost upon us! This is our 6th year operating the largest war gaming convention in the western United States and it’s already looking like it will be our biggest year ever! As our convention grows, we continue to attract interest from amazing manufacturers who want…
Completed Commission: Tzaangors
We painted this unit of Tzaangors for a client’s Chaos army.
My Favorite List: Eldar Triumvirate
Hey guys Cavalier checking in again, this time talking about my favorite list I’ve cooked up so far in 8th edition. This isn’t my BEST list, but its the list I love playing more than any other. Read along and I’ll explain why.
LVO 40k Painting Rubric
Hey everyone, we wanted to get this info our there for your convenience!