One of the perennially interesting questions to engage in is: What would it take for the Warhammer 40K or Age of Sigmar Universes to go mainstream? Now, in a sense, the games themselves are already mainstream within the miniature gaming community. To define what we mean by “Mainstream” my definition would be that the average…
Category: Uncategorized
Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Harlequin Madness
There’s are some nice “new” harlequin concepts making the rounds at some tournaments, and I think It’s worth talking about because in some cases the clowns are doing very well!
Fantasy Fisticuffs: Announcing New Game Coverage
Frontline Gaming is bringing coverage to several new systems!
9th Ed Batrep: Aeldari vs. Death Guard
The elves vs the stinky zombie guys!
Completed Commission: Thousand Sons
Completed by the FLG Paint Studio. And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
This Week’s GW Pre-order: A Selection of new Novels!
This week you can get your read on with some awesome new novels from the Black Library! You can get these at discounted prices through our web-cart with FREE shipping options from us here at Frontline Gaming!
Building a Salt Powered Robot
On this week’s program: On our second to last Episode within the Wide World of Wargaming the Gang has on our friend and creater of the Wide World of Wargaming Vincent Morgado. We discuss the future of the podcast and what he expects to see in the weeks and months ahead. He’s not done entertaining you yet…
MSU Footdar in 9th Ed
Unit coherency is a very, very big deal in 9th. So much of eighth edition, Eldar revolved around buffing up large squads of Shining Spears, Guardians, Harlequin Troupes, or, if you were a real hipster, Wraithblades.
Eldar Combat Tactics in 9th Ed.
Well, well, well! 9th ed is starting to take shape, and as an Eldar player who loves combat, I’ve got some thoughts on these new rules!
My dearest Eldar,
I’ve found a new love. You’ve been oh so good to me these past two years. The rules have been OP, the models have been gorgeous, and you’ve never done me wrong, only the dice gods have. Regardless of my deep love for you and your pointy ears, I regret to inform you that there…