While Warhammer 40k has been my main miniatures game of choice sometimes it is nice to have a different game to fall back on if I am looking to take a short break from 40k. Maybe my poor GSC have been tabled for the 10th time, my brain will not allow me to 40k any…
Category: Uncategorized
Warzone Charadon – Act 2 – Book of Fire – Narrative Review
Hello All,My apologies on the lateness of this review, I had a little trouble getting my hands on a copy of the Book of Fire but I enjoyed it nonetheless. As with my previous review, I will go through the Campaign Rules, the Legendary Missions and the Crusade Rules. –Campaign Rules – As with the…
Powers of the C’tan
After an inspiring 2-1 run with my double C’tan Necrons over the weekend at a small RTT (yes, I hear your cheers, I am a hero to the common folk) I really wanted to take an in-depth look at the powers of the C’tan. These powers are basically mortal wound bombs that can’t be denied,…
Point-Counterpoint: The Death Korps of Krieg should be GW’s featured regiment
Hello All, With the arrival of the new Death Korps of Krieg models showing up it brings up the question: should Games Workshop feature the Death Korps of Krieg as the de-facto regiment going forward? For many years the Cadians have served in this role but with the untimely demise of Cadia and the age…
Warhammer 40k is NOT a Competitive Game
Warhammer 40k is an extremely engaging hobby that includes multiple aspects of other hobbies rolled into a single appealing package. There are the miniatures of amazing quality for those of us who love to build and convert models, the painting side of the hobby for the artists among us, the social side of the hobby…
40K Stoat’s Center Presents Drama Bingo
At time’s like this when drama is circling the community we here at Stoat’s Center find that it is our duty to find someway to draw people together. to that end we put our heads together and came up with the following idea: 40K Drama Bingo! Have you ever wished there was a way for…
Who Is Behind These 40k Tournament Scandals?!
After a stellar 1-2 performance at a small RTT this past weekend with my Necrons, I thought it was time to take a break from the Necron articles for one week to bring my amazing readers a closer look into the top echelon of competitive 40k players. Now, as I am sure some of you…
A Look At Lokusts
When the new Lokust Heavy Destroyer models were previewed around the beginning of 9th Edition I was extremely excited. All of the new Necron models looked amazing, but the Lokust was my favorite. Unfortunately, these new models were extremely underwhelming out of the gate. Out of the two available weapon options neither impressed me. What…
Managing Expectations
I’ve always had a strange relationship to WHFB. I learned to play 7th edition in college with a buddy and I would squeeze in a couple games a year. In the following years games would be hard to come by, to say nothing of narrative or competitive events. This was partially due to my own…
40k Stoat’s Center Talks Player Health
Hello All, As I am sure you know playing repeated games of 40k over a weekend or at a tournament can have deleterious effects on one’s health. In order to counteract such impacts I invited a special guest: Dr. Mink M.D. L.B.C.P. for his expert opinion on whether it is better to stand or sit…