I have personally found that my miniature collection often shares certain properties with water. One of the most significant of these properties is its ability to fill whatever room or contain I put it in. Naturally, this leads to a certain problem where I occasionally find myself with more armies then I actually use. At…
Category: Uncategorized
Continuing on from yesterday’s article on the state of the meta for 40k and what’s going on in the tournament circuit. **Thought for the Day** Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything In the second half of the meta article we will be completing our coverage of last week’s events with…
The Primus Is The New Patriarch
The new Genestealer Cults book is complex. There are blips, Ambush, Underground and Crossfire all to wrap your head around. These are just the basic rules of the faction! Once a GSC player has a firm grasp on these game mechanics they can start to check out the datasheets for the units in the Codex…
Genestealer Cult Codex – Narrative Review
Hello All, As we continue our trek through the narrative crusade rules for all the armies our next release to scrutinize is the mysterious Genestealer Cults. As with the other reviews I have broken the release down into several sections including a final summary at the end. Army Special RulesAll armies get their own unique…
Ghazghkull Thraka Wins A 120+ Player Major
Lists, data, and all stats are based on information pulled from either Best Coast Pairings, Down Under Pairings, or tabletop to. If you want to make sure your event is included in this weekly article series toss me an email at legiotitanicus at gmail dot com and I’ll make sure that I add it to…
LVO Narrative Event – Sneak Peek and Interview
Hi everyone,While I am sure many of you are looking forward to the upcoming 40k LVO championships others have their eyes on the narrative event. This will be the first major narrative event of 9th edition and with that honor comes both challenges and opportunities. To discuss the upcoming festivities in a bit more detail…
Armies Coming To The LVO & Players To Watch For
List submissions are in (for the most part) and although we still have to wait for more people to send in their lists while getting yellow carded for submitting late, we have some interesting numbers to look at so far. So as a heads up, this list is still not complete as more than half…
The Colonel’s Corner: Creating the Mad King
Hey guys ‘n gals! Welcome back to another installment of The Colonels Corner! Today I want to showcase a model I’ve recently finished for my Necron Destroyer Cult. I wanted to complete the army with a centerpiece model. Something that would not only be very eye catching, but also be the head of my army….
Starting Marvel Crisis Protocol – PART 2
Hello all and welcome back to Part 2 of my exploration of Marvel Crisis Protocol.
40K META ANALYSIS: NEW Genestealer Cults Get Their First GT Win
Continuing on from yesterday’s article on the state of the meta for 40k and what’s going on in the tournament circuit.