Hi all, we are continuing on in our analysis of the recent Crusade survey. Today’s item is the feedback from the Xenos players. Consisting of 105 responses this makes the Xenos players the second largest pool of respondents after the Imperium. As with my last review I am only going to show army data that…
Category: Uncategorized
The Great Crusade Survey – Imperium Players
Hi All,I am continuing through the results from the Greta Crusade survey that wrapped up last Friday. In these next three articles I will be focusing on the results from the Imperium, Chaos and Xenos players. It is important to note that the responses in these sections were based on a question that asked players…
The Great Crusade Survey: Part 1-Demographics and Aggregate Results
Hi All,Thank you to everyone who helped me out by completing the crusade survey. We got over 270 responses from every army and all types of players. I plan to distribute the results in a few articles. Today’s article will cover some aggregated results as well as include the gaming demographics of the respondents. Over…
Narrative Review – Craftworlds (Aeldari Part 2)
Hi All, This is the second part of my Aeldari codex review. In today’s review we will look at the Craftworlds portion of the Crusade rules! Army Special Rules:For this section the Craftworlds get the paths system. Like all good crusade rules, this rule set requires you to calculate the amount of points for every…
GW Grognard: Takeaways From the Reveals
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, back to give my unwanted opinions on all things 40K!
Ending A Crusade Campaign – A Summary and Analysis
Good morning all,My local club has recently wrapped up out first major crusade campaign which started last May. Over the course of a year or so I have learned a lot about running these campaigns (and some of the unexpected issues to try and balance). The following is a debriefing about the strategies I used…
Battle at the Tower – Apocalypse Mission and Battle Report
Hello Everyone,At my local club we are wrapping up our first major crusade campaign, and what better way to do it then with an apocalypse game! We had six players altogether, 2 guard, 1 ork, 1 ork/eldar hybrid, 1 Space Marine, and 1 Tau player. Half the players had been playing in the crusade campaign.
Narrative Review – Ynnari (Aeldari Part 1)
Hi All,After taking a few days to go over the tome that is the new Aeldari codex I think I have figured out how to review the narrative rules. The book contains detailed rules for not only the Harlequins and Craftworld Eldar but also the Ynnarri (as the title gives away). Since the rules don’t…
All The JANK That Harlequins Can Do
Alright, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty of what jankness the new Harlequins can pull off. They’ve been known to be the faction that just breaks the rules and this codex helps them become more of a nuisance, so let’s see exactly what the army can pull off.
GW Grognard: When GW First Ran GTs
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about how Games Workshop used to run their Grand Tournaments.