We are offering an additional 10% bonus trade-in credit for Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights through the end of May! Please click here and follow the directions to submit a quote.
Category: Uncategorized
Warhammer Fest – 40k Initial Impressions
Hi all, I know I should wait until the full course of Warhammer Fest is done before writing my impressions, but there has been so much news that I think now is a good a time as any. The following are my thoughts on several of the major news pieces in no particular order.
FLG Objective Markers Available Now
FLG Objectives are indispensable for your games! They make playing the game easier for determining who is holding objectives and as they’re themed to existing FLG Mats can increase immersion in the game as well. FLG Objective Markers come in sets of 6, and are made from non-slide and durable neoprene “mousepad” material. Grab yours today!
Modifying Crusade Rules – Battle Traits
Hi all We are continuing on in our weekly series looking at ways to modify the existing crusade system to make it more engaging. As with the last article these suggestions are just the opinion of myself and the club I play with. I would love to hear what custom rules you are using in…
GW Grognard: I’m Still Waiting
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about all the stuff I am waiting to make a comeback.
Secondhand Shop Trade-In Promotion! SHS Restock
Today we are kicking off an exciting new promo! We are offering an additional 10% bonus trade-in credit for Chaos Knights and Imperial Knights through the end of May! Please click here and follow the directions to submit a quote.
JP’s Hobby Hangout: Sub-Assemblies
Guest Writer: John Paul I’m going to make a confession: I was never much of a sub-assembly fan. I’m a slow painter as it is, and I always felt that sub-assemblies slowed that process down all the more. I’m not a competition painter; these are gaming pieces at the end of the day. And it’s…
Narrative Review – Tyranids
Hi all,Another week arrives and I have another narrative review for you all to enjoy. Today we will be looking at the beastly bugs and will find out if their crusade rules measure up to the table-top power. As with the other reviews I have divided up the review into sections: Army Special Rules, Agendas…
Marching Towards the Old World: 6th Edition
Hi All, As we (hopefully) draw closer to some news on the Old World I think it may be enlightening to take a journey through some of the past editions. In this short series of articles I want to explore several editions of Games Workshop’s fantasy games: Warhammer Fantasy (WHFB) 6th,7th and 8th Edition, and…
Theory-crafting – Eldar Corsairs (Anhrathe)
Hi All,As my most successful ITC season came on the backs of a fun, janky Eldar Corsair list I thought it might be worth examining whether the new Anhrathe units can be compiles into something vaguely competitive. Sadly the old Corsair Reaver Bands have gone the way of all legends but two new units have…