This week, as always, we had awesome articles and so we’ll be highlighting some of our favorite articles to help you keep up!
Category: Uncategorized
GW Grognard: What to do with your Votaan now
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give advice about how best to use your Votaan after the changes by Games Workshop.
How To Herd The Cats To Your Tournament
This weekend I went to my FLGS to get in some games of 40k, and while I was there I had the absolute pleasure of watching an AoS GT being run by one of the community organizers. I had been to this Tournament Organizer’s (TO) events in the past and knew that they ran an…
GW Grognard: Help with the Votaan Menace
Hey Everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here and I am back to help dealing with the Votaan.
FLG Secondhand Shop Restock
This week, we have added over 14i new items to our Secondhand Shop! Please be sure to check both the Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 sections. Additionally, over the past several weeks, we have added several items to the following Secondhand Shop categories:
GW Grognard: Non GW Conventions
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about events that have nothing, ok almost nothing, to do with Games Workshop games.
Conquest: 100 Kingdoms Overview Part 1
If you love the look of medieval foot soldiers and knights on the tabletop then look no further than the One Hundred Kingdoms faction in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. The 100 Kingdoms have everything a wargamer who is missing the Old Worlds Empire and Bretonnia armies needs. From large blocks of Men-At-Arms to…
Getting Started with Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings
If you find yourself looking back at Warhammer Fantasy Battles wishing you could get back to playing wargames on those wonderful square bases, or reliving the moments where you set up those perfect flank charges on the tabletop, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings may be exactly what you are looking for in a wargame….
Surfs Up: SoCal Open 2022 Tickets Are Live
The SoCal Open is one of Frontline Gaming’s legendary events! Come roll dice with your wargaming buddies and have an epic weekend on the West Coast! The Frontline Gaming SoCal Open is taking place October 21-23 2022, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Del Mar California. The SoCal Open is a fan-favorite FLG event for…
GW Grognard: Other than Black Legion
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to show you a few other chaos armies that interest me.