Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give some pointers about showing your game to others.
Category: star wars legion
Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (Part III of IV)
Prepare your mostly machine body for another installment of Proxy Wars! This week we buck the trend of blindly following people’s interests to take a look at the least popular faction in the Star Wars: Legion tournament scene, the Separatists.
LVO ’23 – Reflecting on the Legion Grand Championship
With the 2023 Las Vegas Open in the books, I ask LJ Pena, the organizer of the LVO’s Star Wars: Legion tournament to reflect on this year’s enormous tournament.
Asajj Ventress is a character in the Star Wars: Legion tabletop wargame, where players control armies of miniatures to simulate battles in the Star Wars universe. As a former Nightsister and skilled assassin, Ventress is a formidable opponent who can be added to a Separatist army in the game. In the game, Asajj Ventress is…
Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (Part II of IV)
Time for another installment of Proxy Wars, where I try to convince you to play a new game with models you already have. Last week we looked at using your Imperial miniatures to play Konflikt ‘47. This week we are going to give them some opponents using a Rebel Alliance force.
Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (Part I of IV)
Has the new Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook got you feeling salty? Is your AT-ST looking pedestrian, even for a walker? Do you wish there was a way to enjoy your same, old, tournament crushing, Legion minis without revamped rules sticking in your craw? Fear not, I have the solution you never knew you needed!
New Operative Expansion for Star Wars: Legion – Asajj Ventress
A new operative is coming to bolster the Separatist Alliance. Asajj Ventress comes with four new command cards and a mean streak few live to talk about.
The Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook Is Here!
The new Core Rulebook for Star Wars: Legion is live on the Atomic Mass Games website. Since this project was announced in December, AMG has described it as an opportunity to clarify certain rules and to codify rulings that had already been made. While this appears largely to be true, inevitably things had to change,…
GW Grognard: New Year, New Game Systems
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give a bit info on my plans for the new year.
Anxiously Awaiting the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook
In a matter of days Atomic Mass Games will be releasing the newly compiled Core Rulebook for Star Wars: Legion. It is likely that some players are feeling trepidation about what this means for the rules they know and love. One does not have to look far to see a grim, dark future where whole…