The day has finally come, Ewoks have been announced for Star Wars: Legion! Let’s take a look at the news from Atomic Mass Games.
Category: star wars legion
FLG Judge Talk: Where to Find Stuff
Hey everyone! Adam, FLG Head Judge and host of TFG Radio, here this week to help you find where some of the information is for Frontline Gaming’s events.
Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (BONUS ROUND)
In a completely unexpected and totally unforeseeable move, I’ve put together a Shadow Collective list. Let’s check it out!
Easier Stormtrooper Modifications
Last week I made a write up for my modified Stormtrooper squad leader. This week I want to show off some standard troopers with some easier modifications.
Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (Part IV of IV)
Did you think I had forgotten about this little pet project? Not on your life! It’s time for the final installment of Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away.
Making Different Stormtroopers
Variety is the spice of life. While I appreciate that all my stormtroopers are supposed to look alike, do they all need to pose alike?
Legion News: New Rebellion Operative – Ahsoka Tano!
Ahsoka Tano, super rad dual lightsaber specialist and former commander turned rebel comes to the tabletop!
There Is A New Commander In Town For The Galactic Republic
Clone Commander Cody, Waxer and Boil (his Lost Planet Airmen, as I like to call them) are heading to Star Wars: Legion, presumably in a (Model) A-Wing, passing speeders like they’re standing still!
Legion: Spec Ops Is Unique and Worth A Try
Star Wars: Legion Special Operations has been out for about a month. The hot takes have had some time to cool, and folks have actually played some games. So what’s the deal with this ruleset and why are we getting it for free?
The Atlantic City Open 2023 is going to be BIG!!!
Registration is now OPEN! The Atlantic City Open (ACO) is growing significantly for 2023 and it’s going to be epic!