We’ve gotten a hefty restock of some of these popular games at discounted prices! Take a look.
Category: star wars legion
What Makes A Great Plastic Kit?
Wargames miniatures have been available in plastic longer than many folks in the hobby have been alive. Someone must have mastered the art of the plastic model kit by now, right?
LVO 2024 and 10th ed 40k: This Saturday at 10am PST!
Mark your calendars for June 10th, 2023 at 10am PST to jump on LVO 2024 registration AND 10th ed Warhammer 40k! It is going to be an exciting weekend for gamers.
Bright Tree Village Previewed for Star Wars: Legion
Today we take you on a journey through the foliage-clad heights of the Forest Moon of Endor, where the resilient Bright Tree Village lies nestled amidst the trees.
Harness the Power of Small in the Epic Battle of Endor: The Paploo’s Wild Ride Organized Play Kit
New Organized Play kit coming for Star Wars: Legion!
This Week in the FLG Paint Studio
See what the FLG Paint Studio has been up to with some of the latest, beautiful commissions painted for our clients!
Star Wars: Legion Points Update for 2023!
The fine folks at Atomic Mass Games have put out a points update for Star Wars: Legion for 2023. These changes go into effect June 15th.
Ewok Warriors Stats Revealed for Star Wars: Legion
The newest Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion, Ewok Warriors, is shown off in spectacular detail. Let’s check it out!
Wicket Stats Revealed for Star Wars: Legion
The Hero of Bright Tree, the Ewok they call Wicket. Atomic Mass Games have posted his stats, abilities and command cards. Let’s take a closer look.
Star Wars: Legion – AMG Announces New Organized Play Kit
Hot on the heels of their X-Wing OP Kit, AMG has announced another Organized Play Kit, this time for Star Wars: Legion. Let’s check it out!