Not quite the smallest flyer in the game, but coming close: the Remora Stealth Fighter. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Category: Review
Eldar and Corsairs Review: Wasp Assault Walkers
Ibushi back from the webway, today we’re looking at another classic space pirate unit – the Corsair Wasp Assault Walker. This was originally released in IA11 as a powerful Corsairs troops choice but in the new version it has been changed somewhat. Aside from bouncing around like a jackrabbit, can this model do anything on…
Space Wolf Fast Attack Review: Stormwolf
Hello fellow followers of the All Father, SaltyJohn here from TFGRadio bringing you the Stormwolf in all its glory! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Eldar Corsairs Review: Ghostwalker Band
Garrulous greetings from the webway today, Ibushi here to talk about my favourite pointy-eared pirates troop choice: the Corsair Ghostwalker Band. These guys are the B-team to the Craftwolrd Eldar Rangers, aka Outcasts who have ‘made it’ in Eldar society; but where Ghostwalkers lack hard skills, they make up for it in bang-bang! Read on…
Harlequins Review: Elites: Solitaire
Zyekian here once again to highlight an unsung gem from the webway: the Harlequin Solitaire. He (or she?) can be a fantastic addition to your list and not just among the pointy-eared xenos. Read on to find out why this little nightmare has a place in your army. And as always check the Tactics Corner…
Night Lords Review: Warlord Traits & Artefacts
Hello everyone, Danny here from TFG Radio to once more to go into detail about Night Lords and trying to make the most awesome literary-themed Primarch’s children do some work. Of course, if you don’t want to play 40K on hardmode, check out Frontline’s ever-expanding Tactics Corner!
Traitor Legions: Review: Thousand Sons
Hey everyone, Chandler here with a rundown on the Thousand Sons Legion from both Traitor Legions and Wrath of Magnus. For more analysis, battle reports, and reviews check out the Tactics Corner.
Wrath of Magnus Review: HQ: Exalted Sorcerer
Hey everyone, Chandler here. In this article we’re going to be taking a look at the new HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines and Thousand Sons; the Exalted Sorcerer. For more reviews, analysis, and battle reports check out the Tactics Corner.
Night Lords Review: Special Rules and Detachment
Hello everyone, Danny from TFG Radio here to take a look at the maligned, the forgotten, and the ridiculed Traitor Legion who are so badass in the fluff, The Night Lords. You can check out further articles on how to wield your army like a rapier over at Frontline’s Tactics Corner.
Wrath of Magnus Review: Formation: War Cabal
Hey everyone, Chandler here. With the release of Wrath of Magnus and subsequently Traitor Legions, the sons of the Crimson King have returned with a vengeance. Today we’re going to take a look at the new War Cabal formation for Thousand Sons. For more analysis, tactics articles, and reviews check out the Tactics Corner.