The LVO was the biggest AoS event in the United States! In this article, we’ll take a look at the top lists from the event.
Category: Review
Tau Codex Review: Elites: XV8 Crisis Bodyguards
A review of the XV8 Crsis Bodyguards for Tau.
Eldar Corsairs Review: Balestrike Band
Ibushi back from the webway, today we’re looking at another space pirate unit – the Corsair Balestrike Band. These boys are where FW lets you keep using those awesome Corsair heavy weapons troopers that are no longer valid as troops choices. Read on to find out what these pirates can do, and be sure to…
Chapter Tactics #20: Aeldari Shenanigans Part 1
In this episode we go over the Triumvirate units, Aeldari formations, The relics, warlord traits, and some Strength from Death shenanigans for Dark Eldar and Harlequins.
Chaos Space Marines HQ Review: Chaos Lord!
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you yet another unit that’s benefiting greatly from the Renaissance of Chaos in 40k, the Chaos Lord! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Chaos Space Marines Troop Review: Chaos Space Marines!
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you yet another unit that’s benefiting greatly from the Renaissance of Chaos in 40k, the Chaos Space Marine! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Gathering Storm 2 Review: Electric Boogaloo
Remember how Eldar were a kinda underpowered, bottom-tier army that no one used in 7th Edition? Well GW fixed that problem.
Tau Codex Review: Formations: Ranged Support Cadre
Broadsides and Pathfinders, working together- it’s the wacky buddy-cop comedy of the 40K world.
Tau Codex Review: Formations: Piranha Firestream Wing
A formation that’s been gaining some attention recently, the Piranha Firestream Wing is newly back from the dead following the updates to the FAQ and there’s more than a few skilled players who are giving it a whirl. Click to read more about it, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Tau Codex Review: Formations: Firebase Support Cadre
Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Once the scourge of tournaments across the land, now little more than a footnote in the codex. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.