Hello everybody, Danny from TFG Radio here to bring you one of the most recognizable, most iconic bugs in the 40K universe and totally legally distinct from HR Gieger’s work, the Genestealer! As always, you should check out Frontline’s Tactic’s Corner and its ever growing collection of tips and tricks.
Category: Review
Tau Codex Review: Formations: Allied Advance Cadre
Come on down to Honest Grixulab’s Discount Alien Warehouse, where we’ve got weirdos and xenos of all shapes and sizes for rock-bottom prices! Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Signals #514: Rise of the Primarch and More Plastic 30k!
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST.
Wrath of Magnus Review: Troops: Rubric Marines
Hey, everyone. Chandler here with a look at everyone’s favorite boys of dust, Thousand Sons Rubric Marines. For more reviews, analysis and battle reports check out the Tactics Corner.
Eldar Corsairs Review: Vampire Raider
Greetings fellow gamers, Ibushi here reporting on the Lord of War choice for the pointy-eared space pirates – and one of their more unusual units – the Corsair Vampire Raider. This thing is alternately a beast and a question mark, read on to find out what it can do on the tabletop! And be sure…
Dark Eldar Unit Review: HQs: Court of the Archon
Zyekian here once again taking a look at the ins and outs of Codex:Dark Eldar, panning for gems in the proverbial rock pile. This codex is actually stocked with a number of odd and very cool units, many of which are virtually unseen on today’s tables even in casual matches. Like Beastmasters the reason for…
Chapter Tactics #23: Guilliman’s Island in Spaaaace
Come check out PeteyPab’s newest episode where he goes over everything in the new Gathering Storm: Rise of the Primarch book. He also shares his army list ideas for getting the most out of your shiny new blue Primarch model, and his two friends.
Chaos Space Marine Fast Attack Review: Chaos Bikers
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you, yet again, a unit that’s benefiting from the Renaissance of Chaos in 40k, Chaos Bikers! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Chaos Space Marines Elite/Troops review: Berzerkers, Noise Marines, and Plague Marines.
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you the formerly red headed step children of the CSM codex, Cult Marines! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Chaos Space Marine Elites Review: Chosen
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you the a unit that’s benefiting greatly from the Renaissance of Chaos in 40k, Chosen! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!