Khorne Berzerkers are, at last, what they are always supposed to have been- murderous killing machines capable of chewing through insane numbers of enemies in a short time. And I think this is something we can all be glad for, because the Berzerker is one of the most iconic units of 40K, and certainly of…
Category: Review
Space Marine Review: Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod
Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the go to unit for transport in 7th edition; the Drop Pod. How does it compare now with the changes in 8th edition 40k? For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Marine Review: Transports: Land Speeder Storm
Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the Space Marine skimmer only Scouts get to enjoy, the Land Speeder Storm. For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Chaos Space Marines Review: Heavy Support: Obliterators
Hi, everyone. Chandler here with a rundown on the twisted fleshmetal mercenaries of the warp, Obliterators. For more reviews, tactics and strategy articles check out the Tactics Corner.
Chaos Space Marines Review: Troops: Chaos Cultists
Hey, everyone. Chandler here with a review on everyone’s favorite troops choice you love to hate; Chaos Cultists. For more reviews, tactics and strategy articles check out the Tactics Corner.
Chaos Space Marines Review: Emperor’s Children
Wanted: Members to join absolute best Legion ever. If you are a cool dude who is open to new experiences, why not join the Emperor’s Children and expand your worldview? We offer a variety of exciting experiences for the new recruit; applicants must be able to love guitar solos that can wreck a tank, meth…
Space Marine Review: Flyers: Stormhawk Interceptor
Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the most recent of the Space Marine flyers, the Stormhawk Interceptor. For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Forces of Chaos Review, Chaos Space Marines: Alpha Legion
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming and TFGRadio; SaltyJohn here to bring you a review of the new 8th edition Chaos Space Marines rules for Alpha Legion. For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Space Marine Review: Flyers: Stormtalon Gunship
Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of one of the Space Marine flyers, the Stormtalon Gunship. This flyer provides some great firepower on a fairly durable vehicle. For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Marine Review: Elites: Sternguard Veteran Squad
Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the Sternguard Veteran squad, a unit that puts out a lot of firepower and benefits from the new Codex Stratagems. For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.