Welcome to the first part of a review on 9th ed Codex Space Marines. This will be deep diving into just the first part, the Chapter Command section. Read on for more on how Marines can upgrade their characters. For more awesome tactical content, check out the Tactics Corner!
Category: Review
Chapter Tactics #179: Analyzing the New 9th Edition Codices to Evaluate a Faction’s Power Level
Today Peteypab, Brandon, Skari, and Adrian from TT talk about how they break down a new codex, and what they look for to determine it’s power level.
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlords Review
Hey everyone, SaltyJohn here with a break from 40k coverage to bring you a review of one of my favorite PC Games from the last few months, Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlords!
Art of War Down Under
Adam is joined by Dineeth from The Normal Blokes podcast to deep dive the well loved but often negelected Militarum Tempestus Scions.
Cap’n Morgan’s Interim BA Winners and Losers
There’s new Blood Angels stuff to talk about, so out I pop from my quarantine rabbit hole to offer some analysis. These interim rules have been out for a couple of days now, and while there’s a lot to be excited about, there’s also some mourning to do.
Fantasy Fisticuffs: Marvel Crisis Review (Daredevil & Bullseye)
The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen and his arch rival hit Crisis Protocol, but do they hit hard?
Chapter Tactics #178: What The New Codices Mean for the Future of 9th
Today Peteypab, Brandon, Skari, and James talk break down what they like about the Space Marine and Necron Codex. They also speculate about the future of the meta, and how the 9th edition codex formula helps other 40k factions who need it.
Primed to Win: Breaking Down The GT Pack Secondaries
Today we have a guest article written by Sir_Prometheus. He goes over the 18 main Secondary Objectives in the 2020 GT pack. Breaking down how to efficiently maximize your score, and how to evaluate which ones work best for you and your army.
The Custodes’ Stormshield Question
So the word is out, and stormshields are getting changed to a 4++ and +1 to one’s Armor Save. What does this mean for the band formerly known as Legio Custodes? Read on to find out!
Stillfleet: an Indie TTRPG review
Hey all, Danny from TFG Radio here, and today, I am going to do something just a bit different, and that is talk about an upcoming indie tabletop roleplaying game that I’ve come to love, mostly because it captures both the Grimdark and the zaniness of early 40K, all while providing its own fresh, exceedingly…