Hey everyone, Corrm here to take a look at what I think to be another underutilised unit in Codex Space Marines, the Scout Bike Squad. For more battle reports, reviews and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
Category: Review
Space Marine Review: Fast Attack: Drop Pod
Corrm here, welcome to my review of the Space Marine Drop Pod, stalwarts of the Adeptus Astartes. For more reviews, battle reports and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Marine Review: Fast Attack: Bike Squad
Hey everyone, Corrm here to take a look at arguably one of the most popular choices in the Space Marine Codex, the Space Marine Bike Squad. For more battle reports, reviews and analyses, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Marine Heavy Support Review: Legion Relic Sicaran Battle Tank
Hey everybody SaltyJohn from TFGRadio here to review a unit from the annals of Forge World, the Relic Sicaran Battle Tank! For more reviews, bat reps and analysis, check out the Tactics Corner!
Sylvaneth Review: Alarielle the Everqueen
Hey guys, DustyK again to give you some tree homie love. I’m going to discuss the best model the Sylvaneth have available. Our goddess, Alarielle the Everqueen! As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
Space Marine HQ Review: Pedro Kantor
Hey everyone SaltyJohn from TFGRadio here again with Pedro Kantor Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists. As always, check out the tactics corner for more reviews and battle reports.
40k List-Tech: BAO Top 10 Blood Angels List
Today on List-Tech we have the most requested BAO tourney list: Danny Kwan’s 5-1 Blood Angels list.
40k List-Tech: How to Win With Deathstar-Free Dark Angels
The list-tech segment is a series of articles designed to focus on unique, competitive lists crafted by players in the community in order to provide new and experienced players with tactics, tips, and tricks to use in the heat of battle. Today we have the top BAO list. Dark Angels!
Space Marines Review: HQ: Khan
Hey there ladies and worms. Hotsauceman is here to tell you about the coolest space Mongolian ever. He is the most used character and now is the time to learn to fight with him and against him. I also promise no Star Trek jokes, mostly. Remember to check out Tactics Corner for more fun stuff.
Space Marine Formation Review: Librarius Conclave
Hey everybody SaltyJohn from TFGRadio here to review a unit that makes people Salty as me! The Space Marine Librarius Conclave. For more reviews, bat reps and analysis, check out the Tactics Corner!