In the tumultuous battles of the Age of Darkness, where Titans and Imperial Knights reign supreme, the Solar Auxilia rely on super-heavy firepower to counter these towering behemoths. Among their arsenal, the Shadowsword stands out as a formidable titan-killer, built upon the sturdy Baneblade chassis and armed with a colossal volcano cannon.
Category: News
Hondo Ohnaka: The Unforgettable Space Pirate
Amidst a universe teeming with extraordinary characters, Hondo Ohnaka stands out as an unforgettable figure.
Encounters with Destiny: Allies and Adversaries in the Mandalorian Saga
The journey of the Mandalorian is a tapestry woven with danger, alliances, and confrontations, brought to life by a cast of vibrant, deadly characters.
The Saga of the Bad Batch: Valor and Variation
The story of the Bad Batch is one woven with the threads of heroism, genetic marvels, and the stark shifts of galactic politics.
Even MORE Blood Throne Molds Done!
Here are pictures of more molds for the remaining heroes miniatures in the Blood Throne core box.
Get Ready for the Next Set of GW Reveals at Adepticon!
Warhammer fans, get ready to mark your calendars because the next big Warhammer Preview event is happening on March 20th at AdeptiCon 2024! AdeptiCon is renowned for hosting some of the largest Warhammer tournaments, including team-based competitions, and this year is no exception. The event will run from Wednesday, March 20th, to Sunday, March 24th,…
New Tau Preview Looks….Controversial
The T’au Empire’s battlesuit technology stands as a pinnacle of their military might, ranging from the agile Stealth Battlesuits to the towering Riptide. Now, with the introduction of the Retaliation Cadre Detachment in Codex: T’au Empire, Fire caste pilots have even more ways to unleash the fury of their advanced combat armors on the battlefield.
Giant Rats Are Headed to Necromunda!
Looking to add a touch of adorable ferocity to your Necromundan stronghold? Look no further than the Wasteland Giant Rat – a creature as charming as it is deadly, perfect for livening up your gang’s turf.
First Hints of Age of Sigmar 4th Edition
Looks like we are up for some intrigue!
GW 3/16 Pre-Orders Announced!
In this week’s Sunday Preview, a flurry of exciting releases awaits, featuring the relentless Kroot, new Warhammer Underworlds warbands and upgrades, and additions to the grim world of Necromunda.