G-dubs brings us some awesome info on the Grots for the new PA book going up for pre-order tomorrow!
Category: News
A PSA From Our Friends at TFG Radio
As we all know, the current pandemic has caused many events to be cancelled for the foreseeable future, with the biggest one that impacts us being Adepticon.
Signals from the Frontline #676: Coming Together as a Community to Beat Papa Nurgle
Join Reece and Frankie for a discussion on current events, talk about the new Psychic Awakening tidbits and enjoy some levity during these serious times!
Space Wolves: New Rules for a New Saga
G-dubs givin’ us the skinny on the new Space Wolf rules for the upcoming Psychic Awakening Book: Saga of the Beast!
Orks: Da New Rulez
G-dubs has finally gives us some juicy Ork rules to go over from the new Psychic Awakening book coming out soon!
The Fight of the Millennium
A bit of fun from the Warhammer-community team to hype the upcoming Ghaz and Ragnar models!
New GW Pre-order: Sisters of Battle Reinforcements!
And the models you Sisters players have been waiting for are finally here!
New FLG Mat: Galactic Cathedral
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat for you: Galactic Cathedral
Wide World of Wargaming Age of Sigmar: Episode 58 – The Great Lizard Conspiracy
On this week’s program: The Gang discusses the new Seraphon Battletome. With its new warscroll already available under the product page on the GW web store in addition to some of the main faction and sub faction abilities. Will we welcome our new space kicked overlords? Listen to find out! Event Review: Armacon 2020 AoS…
Signals from the Frontline #675: Loads of New Models on the Way & a New FLG Mat!
GW has revealed a plethora of amazing new kits for a wide variety of games on the way soon and a brand spanking new FLG Mat design!