GW releases some cool new info on Crons in 9th ed 40k!
Category: News
Star Wars: Squadrons – Official Reveal Trailer
This game looks really good!
Realm Lord and Reanimators!
The Warhammer-community team brings us news on the new Lumineth Realm Lords for Age of Sigmar and the cool looking Necron Canoptek Reanimator.
Having a Blast at Engagement Range
This has been a very interesting week in 9th edition 40k. We’ve seen a bunch of new rules, all of which I think will take the game in a good direction while respecting where it comes from. Indeed, 9th edition is shaping up to be a solid update rather than a completely new system.
Sunday Preview – A Tale of Two Boxes
GW brings us a preview of what’s coming up in the next weeks!
This Week’s Pre-order: War of the Spider!
Grab these new Games Workshop 40k products at a discount with FREE shipping options!
Warhammer 40,000 Preview – What’s in the Box and More New Models!
Wow, the new 9th ed 40k box set looks amazing! Courtesy of the Warhammer-community page. And remember, you can pick these up from us in our webstore at a discount when they become available!
Taking Flight
Some info on how flyers are working in 9th ed 40k!
Signals from the Frontline #688: 9th ed 40k Changes So Far!
Reece and Frankie chat about the changes for 9th revealed so far as well as community news!
This Week in the ITC 6-11-2020: Some Events Fold, Others Trudge Forward.
Hello, competitive Warhammer fans! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to discuss what’s been going on in the ITC for the first time in months!