The Warhammer-community team brings us more info on the awesome Lumineth Realm-lords that will be up for pre-order this weekend. You can grab them from us at a discount!
Category: News
Faction Focus: Orks
GW brings us the scoop on Orks and how they operate in 9th ed 40k!
Wide World of Wargaming: Age of Sigmar Ep 70: Crystal Udders
On this week’s program: The Gang is exited that Lunineth id finally just around the corner! We discuss previous and newly revealed infomration regarding these *totally not* High Elves. NOTE this is prior to the leak of the battletome so be sure to listen in next week when we check some additional assumptions! Garrett also talks about his dog…
Faction Focus: Adepta Sororitas
GW brings us some info on how Sisters play in 9th ed 40k courtesy of the Warhammer-community page.
44×60″ FLG Mats Now Available and Introducing our Customer Loyalty Program!
We’ve got the new sized mats ready to print and ship as well as a restock on all of our existing FLG Mat sizes!
Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines
Take a look at the new Chaos Space Marines preview for 9th ed 40k courtesy of the Warhammer-community team!
Overwatch Overhaul
GW gives us a 9th ed 40k update about overwatch!
9th Ed New Box: A Converter’s Perspective
Brand new 9th Edition box set coming our way. Let’s see what we are getting and how customizable these new minis are.
Lumineth Realm-lords – How Do They Play?
GW gives us some more information on the Lumineth Realm-lords and how they play!
Indomitus Focus: Get On Your Bike
G-dubs brings us some more info on the 9th ed 40k start box rules, this time for Space Marines!