We discuss Tyranid 2nd wave rumors and possible white dwarf model. Maelstrom release of some new fantasy models that look great along with the awesome looking Vampire Count models. We also talk about the game between White925 and Jy2 that is happening on Tuesday.
Category: Modeling
40K Modeling: Necron Doom Scythe Conversion
Another great conversion out of Austrailia, picture thanks to Rantimus. It looks like it was built using a Command Barge and plastic card. Nice work to whomever built it.
40K Image: Love Ogard’s Farseer
One of our readers. Love Ogard, asked for the colors I used in my footdar, and he Painted up his own farseer using a similar scheme and it came out looking great! Nice work, we hope to see more of the army.
Frontline Gaming gets a review from Green Stuff Industries!
Rich from Green Stuff Industries came by our shop a few nights ago and put up a blog about his experience at our shop.
Signals From the Frontline Episode 14: 6th Ed Rumor, Dornian Heresy, Warmachine Models, and the Mega Froces
Frankie and Will discuss a sixth edition rumor and how awesome it would be if it was true. We have a guest speaker JP talk to us about his army based around the Dornian Heresy. There are some new warmachine models out and they look awesome. We also talk about the mega forces and how…
Kingdom Death December Rleases
Kingdom Death releases more amazing miniatures.
We’ll Be Back!: Reviving an Old Necron Army Part 3
We’ve updated and expanded the new, old Necron force! It has been purchased by a very happy customer and he awaits the finishing of the army so he can start laying the robotic pimp hand down on his opponents.
40K Tactics: Space Wolves Thunderdome list part 2
This is the second article about the mighty thunderdome where I (Frankie) am going to talk about the good, the bad and the ugly lists to get matched up against with the space puppies.
40K Forgeworld: Rapier Laser Destroyer, Contemptor Auto-Cannon Arms and Minotaur Shoulder Pads
Forgeworld continues to dig into the depths of 40K lore with these new, awesome additions to their line up.
40K Modeling: Triarch Stalker Conversion Tutorial
This conversion tutorial comes via Australia, from a Games Workshop in Chermside. This is a great way to get a unique looking Triarch Stalker on the table top!