We’ve got a new, and very talented painter coming to work with us at Frontline Gaming: Blasto!
Category: Modeling
Signals from the Frontline: GW Pricing Rumors, New Privateer Press, Forgeworld Models, Shapeways 3D Printing
In this Episode, Frankie, Reece and Vidar discuss GW Pricing Rumors, New Privateer Press, Forgeworld Models, Shapeways 3D Printing.
Signals from the Frontline: We Discuss Puppets War Models, Urban Mammoth, Gw Releases, and Kromlech Models
In this episode Frankie and Reece talk about Puppet Wars and Kromlechs Model Range and new Releases, Urban Mammoth Second Edition, and some of the Games Workshop new Releases Coming out soon. Puppets war http://puppetswar.eu/ Kromlech http://kromlech.eu/ Urban Mammoth http://www.urbanwarthegame.com/news.php Broadside bash http://broadside-bash.blogspot.com/
40K Modeling: Green Stuff Industries Defiler
Here we have a guest piece from Green Stuff Industries, for more info like this, check out their blog!
New Product: Forest/Plains Table in a Box
Our Table in a Box product range is being expanded with a Plains / Forest themed Set!
Signals from the Frontline: Puppet’s War, Anvil Industries, Forge World, 6th ed Rumors, Bay Area Open, Local Events
In this episode of Signals from the Frontline, Reece and Frankie discuss Puppet’s War, Anvil Industries, Forge World, 6th ed rumors, Bay Area Open, Local Events
Reviving an Old Necron Army: Finished!
We finished the Studio Necron army which was an amalgamation of conversions, old kits and new models to make a really great looking army which is currently on its way to a happy customer in Australia. This army used a very limited pallet to create an army with a strongly contrasting color scheme that really…
Blight Wheel Miniatures
Blight Wheel miniatures is a newish company that has been putting out some awesome models! I really love there new stuff, which would be perfect for a counts as Adeptus Mecahnicus army.
40K Modeling: We’ve Gone Resin Crazy!
Here at Frontline, we love Resin kits and we’ve been going a little crazy lately with bigger, cooler models to make our games more exciting. Here are some shots of works in progress. Both Tomb Stalkers completed for our client, with custom cut bases. Big T’s Minotaurs army is HUGE! With Achilles, Caestus, and…
40K Army Blog: All-Marines (Help Will decide how to finish his Marines)
My All-Marines Article This is going to be a on going article on my “All Marine” army. For those of you that don’t know what I mean by this, it’s a marine army that I can use for any codex I choose. A lot of people hate on these kind of builds, but I must…