Signals from the Frtonline: GW Rumors, New Raging Heroes and Puppet’s War Models, Vidar’s Rant of the Day.
Category: Modeling
We’ve Been Painting Like Mad!
We’ve been painting up a storm and have completed some cool projects, check them out!
Frontline Gaming Adepticon Team Tournament Teaser
We have decided to go for the glory with the Team Tournament this year and are taking on a truly ambitious project. Here’s a teaser to wet your appetites!
Signals From the Frontline Episode 39: We discuss 6th Edition Rumors, Forgeworld Release Along With Some Other Companies Models.
Joel and Frankie discuss 6th edition rumors, forgeworld release of the Chaos decimator daemon engine, kromlechs new swords, chaos rumors, and the custom bases we are going to start making for people. Forgeworld: Kromlech: PigIron: Custom Bases:
Nurgle Themed Traitor Guard Army we Recently Completed for Client
We recently completed a really cool looking Nurgle themed traitor Guard Force for a client and it looks great.
Frontline Gaming Inspired Necron Scarab Farm Army
Reader Aaron writes in to tell us about his awesome looking Scarab Farm Army!
New Scibor Miniatures
Scibor is up to it again with some awesome new minis.
New Releases from Taban Miniatures
Taban Miniatures is a French miniatures company that makes post-apocalyptic science fantasy style miniatures with a distinctively French Flair to them. There latest releases are pretty fantastic and particularly the Shinigami could be used as an alternate model for 40K games. Daemon Prince anyone?
40K News: Chapter House Releases New True Scale Knight Praetorians
These kits are very cool and would be great for a 40K Space Marines army.
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports Hitech minitures Enigma Minitures