The latest Signals From the Frontline is now available on YouTube and through Podcast feeds! Kicker and Seth are back this week with a new Champion’s Cup Club Corner Interview: Featuring Warhammer Hero, Charity Fundraiser, and Salamanders-Fan, J.C. Watts of the Legion of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Hear how J.C., and this team based out of Maryland…
Category: Marvel Crisis Protocol
Celebrating Victory: Insights from Adepticon’s ‘Path of the Worthy’ Winners
After the dazzling Award Ceremony for Path of the Worthy at Adepticon, we were privileged to catch up with the champions, Jason Gibeault and Johnathan Ho. Their journey from initial inspiration to their triumphant wins offers a wealth of insight into the world of miniature painting competitions.
Signals from the Frontline: Everything You Need to Know about #newaos (so far)!
The latest Signals From the Frontline is now available on YouTube and through Podcast feeds! Much like his beloved Kroot, Kicker is out on a “scouting action”! That means Producer Nicky Dee takes shotgun to ride with Seth as they explore everything that we know about the new edition of Age Of Sigmar arriving this…
Marvel Crisis Protocol Rules Update!
Big update for MCP players!
Introduction to Vulture: The High-Flying Villain
In today’s installment of “From Panel to Play,” we’re soaring into the skies with one of Spider-Man’s most iconic adversaries—Adrian Toomes, also known as the Vulture. A master of the skies with a penchant for grand thefts, Vulture’s journey from engineer to supervillain is as captivating as his aerial assaults.
Introducing Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider
A Startling Reveal: Ben Reilly as the Scarlet Spider
Introduction to Sandman: Not Your Typical Beach Day
Today’s From Panel to Play segment might have you finding sand in unexpected places, but don’t pack your swimwear just yet. Instead, we’re diving into the gritty details of one of Spider-Man’s most formidable foes—William Baker, better known as Flint Marko, or the infamous Sandman! Origins of a Sand-Slinging Villain William Baker discovered early on…
AMG Announces Big Changes to their Grand Tournament Circuit!
Atomic Mass Games announces big changes for their tournament circuit!
From Panel to Play: Introducing Gwen Stacy as Gwenom!
The Transformation of Gwen Stacy into Gwenom
Introducing Max Dillon AKA Electro
The Rise of ElectroToday’s spotlight shines brightly (and electrically) as we introduce Max Dillon, the high-voltage villain known as Electro, a formidable antagonist of Spider-Man. Born with aspirations for financial stability, Max Dillon aimed to provide a comfortable life for himself.