And an Adepticon special offer, too!
Category: Flames of War
ITC Tree Sets Now Available!
You saw these beautiful beasts at the LVO and now they are available to purchase! The ITC Tree Sets are here.
Gallery at the LVO! Now taking submissions!
Hello all you artists out there! The submission for of the first ever LVO Gallery is opening TODAY until Nov 30th! Take a look at this mock Submission form below and consider submitting your art to be displayed at the LVO 2017!
Daily Awesome Conversion
This awesome Diorama of a M 113 is again another piece that made me do a double take, the realism is breathtaking! I am not sure of the artist of the wonderful piece, but hats off to them its great!
Las Vegas Open 2016 Hotel Booking Information!
Vegas is coming, Vegas is coming! Get pumped everyone, because the LVO 2016 is going to be absolutely amazing, and now we’ve got the rooms available for you to book, just follow this link!
Wargames Con is Imminent!
We’re a short 3 days away from Wargames Con! Read on to learn more about all of the awesome stuff there is to do at the event!
Wargames Con Tickets are Up for Sale!
What: Wargames Con 2015 Where: DoubleTree Hilton in Austin, TX: BOOK YOUR ROOM HERE When: June 18-21 Why: Because gaming is awesome and Austin is one of the best cities to visit in the USA! Purchase your Convention Badge Here! Required to Enter the Event. Ticketing Information Warhammer 40k Events Warhammer Fantasy GT Warmachine and Hordes…
F.A.T. Mats are in the UK and a Sale!
We’re storming the beaches! F.A.T. Mats are now in the UK and ready to save your tables from the drudgery of playing on felt, cloth or your dinner table.
Gaming Mat Commercial
Check out our sweet Gaming mat commercial! You can pick yours up here!
Get Yer Gamin’ Mats! Red Hot Gamin’ Mats! Pre-Orders are a GO!
That’s right ladies and gents, the Gaming Mat pre-order is up and ready to rock! Just click here to go to the shopping cart and pre-order your mat! below are the details on the release.