Prologue Warhammer 40k and other miniatures games is known as having a social contract or gentlemen’s agreement. I always thought GW proper thought each game of 40k should begin like this: Gentlemen: By jove, thank you kindly for meeting me for a game of the grim dark future, Warhammer 40k. Gentlelady: Thank YOU good sir….
Category: Editorial
A Teachable Moment from LVO 40k Championships
Hello everyone, Geoff “iNcontroL” Robinson here discussing for your reading pleasure the streamed etiquette incident that went down at the LVO and how we can benefit from this moment in time.
Captain A Returns to LVO!
Ah Vegas… filled with stucco, tears, plaster, gambled money, lost dreams, desert heat, many half remembered mistakes, and home of the largest 40k event in the world, the Las Vegas Open!!!
Event Overview: The Golden Sprue Cup
On the windswept tundra of upstate New York the Golden Sprue GT just wrapped up the weekend of the 13th. Let’s look at the aftermath of this event, and discuss the results of what the national field might look like in coming months as LVO approaches!
A Call To Arms! – BCP Subscription Service
Greetings gamers! For some time, the tournament scene was dominated by a powerful corporation, dominating all around them and forcing TO’s to labor tirelessly, a slave to the screen, sweat dripping from their faces as they enter data for their event while the onlookers cry out “How long!” They said, “I must travel hours to…
Codex Death Guard Review
Hello Everyone Frankie here to review the new Death Guard Codex. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles and reviews!
Guest Editorial: 40k leagues save Fiancées!
Hey guys it’s good old fashion Grant Theft Auto (Grant Van Den Bosch) here with a fun article on how to save your relationship with your significant other.
The State of the Meta
As the hype for 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000 reached a fever pitch we heard lots of claims that this edition would be balanced, and that there would be no bad armies. “Everything is good!” became a rallying cry. After a month of gameplay and a good sample of tournaments I decided to start collecting…
8th Edition: What are you loving and not enjoying so far?
We here at Frontline Gaming are curious as to what you all are enjoying or not enjoying about this new edition so far.
Tyranids: Looking ahead (part 4)
Hey all, Danny from TFG Radio here to continue the pondering of Tyranids in the new world, and well, we have had the floodgates open lately, so let’s dig right into it, shall we? Of course, you can also read a whole bunch of other articles over at Frontline’s Tactic’s Corner.