Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to pour some good ol’ knowledge into the frying pan of your brain!
Category: Editorial
Adeptus Custodes Codex Review: Allarus Custodians
Mr.MoreTanks back to talk about my absolutely favorite force in all of the grimdark universe, the Adeptus Custodes. As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
Tomes of the Librarius – Eldar(Aeldari) 101
Hello 40k fans! Chris Morgan, Chief Librarian of the Forge the Narrative Podcast, is here again with the next weekly segment of Tomes of the Librarius. Also, check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Idoneth Deepkin Overview: Lore and Rules
Hey everyone, Reecius here to give you a summation of the information about the very cool new Idoneth Deepkin faction for Age of Sigmar! Check the AoS Tactics Corner for more great information.
GW Grognard: It only took 15 years
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to fill the void in your heart with words of a grumbling nature!
Guest Editorial: Games Workshop didn’t go far enough with the new FAQ!
Hello everyone! It’s Dan here with an OpEd – once again putting my fingers on a keyboard after a long hiatus. I’ve not written anything relating to 40k in some time, although I have remained active in the hobby and have accumulated more knowledge and experience after attending tournaments up and down the country.
BIG FAQ Will Ruin 40k Says Gamer Who Hasn’t Played Since 3rd Edition.
EMBARRASS, MN – The Warhammer 40k 8th edition BIG FAQ has recently arrived with a thunderous roar, blasting its way across FLGS gaming tables, inciting heated debate on various gaming podcasts, and irrevocably changing the face of this popular, and much-loved game.
Guest Editorial: What The FAQ!?!
Mitch Pelham, aka, Mr. “14 Hellhounds” and also top notch player and guy, weighs in on the recent Big FAQ. Read on to see what he thinks about it.
GW Grognard: I’ll do what I want
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to grumble my way to mediocrity!
Tomes of the Librarius – Tyranids 101
Hello 40k fans! Chris Morgan, Chief Librarian of the Forge the Narrative Podcast, is here again with the next weekly segment of Tomes of the Librarius. Also, check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!