Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to drop some old knowledge to you young’ins!
Category: Editorial
Is the Codex/Supplement model the way of the Future?
With the recent release of the new, improved Codex Space Marines and the announcement/release of Supplements, you have to wonder if the other armies are going to get this treatment and if that would be a good thing.
This Week in the ITC 10-16-19: The Iron Hands Arrive and Nobodies Retire! News at 11
Hello, fellow Warhammer 40k fans! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio, and one of the Las Vegas Open Head Judges, here to bring you my weekly article on the ITC. This week let’s look at the coming of Iron Hands and the numerous “retirements”.
GW Grognard: I’m such a great general!
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk with my best buddies, you, the reading audience!
This Week in the ITC 10-10-19: Outrage and Plastic Army Men
Hello, fellow Warhammer 40k fans! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio, and one of the Las Vegas Open Head Judges, here to bring you my weekly article on the ITC. This week let’s look at outrage in the world of 40k.
How Much Slack Should We Cut Games Workshop?
Something a bit out of the ordinary this week- a piece on game design looked at from the consumer perspective, rather than a review. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies in the normal fashion.
GW Grognard: Drowning in a Sea of Tears (or Joy)
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to brighten your 40K day, or at least brighten mine.
Op Ed: 40K and the pursuit of “Pro”
Hey everyone, Danny from TFG Radio here, and today, I ain’t talking Knights or Nids, but rather, this is more a reflection on the recent tides in the sea of Games Workshop. The internet is thing I hear, which should not be surprising to me as I write on it constantly, but lately, it seems…
Competitive 40k Dissertation: Standardized 40k Terrain Needs to be Instituted Correctly.
The concept of having the terrain in competitive 40k events set up, and even built, in a standardized format is nothing new. Many events, even small RTTs, have had a rough “template” they’ve followed when setting up tables for years. But how far should we go as a community, and what are the goals of…
GW Grognard: Back on Top
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to help wipe away those tears of joy (or pain depending on your perspective)