These fantastic Putrid Blightkings were painted by the FLG Paint studio.
Category: Age of Sigmar
FLG Paint Studio: Cypher Lords
These incredible Cypher Lords from the Warcry range were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
It’s been a min folks! Today we have two episodes all about the future of AoS! In episode XXV: We look over our thoughts and predictions for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites books. Look out for a tome review of each soon! In episode XXVII: We discuss the Age of Sigmar preview event last…
FLG Paint Studio: Tzaangor
These awesome Tzaangor were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
FLG Paint Studio: Mindstealer Sphiranx
This alluring monster cat, the incredibly cool Mindstealer Sphiarnx, was painted by the FLG Paint Studio! Just be careful it doesn’t start knocking all of your brushes off of your painting table…
Warhammer Preview Online – Lords of the Mortal Realms
This preview was one to remember! SO MANY cool models on the way!
Warhammer Quest Update: Torgillius the Chamberlain
Today we got to see Torgillius the Chamberlain for Warhammer Quest. Not too sold on him myself, the giant plank of wood on his back with animals all over it is a bit weird, what do you all think?
FLG Paint Studio: Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis
This amazing Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Signals from the Frontline #723: the Age of SIgmar Universe Getting Some Love
Join Reece and Frankie for a discussion about the last week in Warhammer.
What will it take for 40k to go Mainstream? Part 4: Intellectual Property
Hello all, Apologies for the delay in this next article. Life is busier for me in the beginning of the year with work and possible return to graduate school.