On this week’s program: Alex and Jeremy reflect on the RIPTIDE Major which just wrapped up in Bremerton WA. In their case study of bringing the exact same list, listen in and find out who edged out over the other! We also discuss the Summer Smash in Australia where 1st, 2nd, and 3rd were all…
Category: Age of Sigmar
New FLG Mat: Volcanic Snow!
We’ve got a brand new FLG Mat for you: Volcanic Snow!
At the Speed of Light
GW brings us more previews and the stunning new Lumineth line for AoS!
Revealed at the New York Toy Fair!
As long-time lovers of New York, Toys and Fairs of all kinds, we thought we’d pop along to the New York Toy Fair, a major event for toy sellers across the world.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #12: We Can’t Be Heroes
With competitive AoS on the rise, what happens when units are unavailable? What is the message to the community at large? Let’s discuss.
This Week’s GW Pre-orders: Warcry, Necromunda, AoS and More!
Grab the new releases for this week at discounted prices with FREE shipping options!
Fantasy Fisticuffs #11: Turn and Face the Strange, Ch-ch-ch Changehost
While many of the recent competitive AoS events were revelatory in terms of what much-hyped armies failed to make their mark, the story of other events was all about what can happen when powerful interactions slip through the cracks.
BAO 2020 Event Information
Today is the last day to get the lower priced ticket!
Wide World of Wargaming Age of Sigmar: Episode 54 – Shock and Awe
On this week’s program: The Gang looks over several events including Da Great South Waaagh GT in the UK and the Hammer GT in Spokane WA where Jeremy and Alex end up coming to the party wearing the same outfit [Bonereapers] In this list review we discuss the motivations behind this spoiler list. Our good…
Signals from the Frontline #671: The ITC 2020 Season is Nearly Updated!
Reecius and the Rhino discuss the updating ITC Season, community news and tell bad jokes!